3 research outputs found

    Group Action Recognition Using Space-Time Interest Points

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    Abstract. Group action recognition is a challenging task in computer vision due to the large complexity induced by multiple motion patterns. This paper aims at analyzing group actions in video clips containing sev-eral activities. We combine the probability summation framework with the space-time (ST) interest points for this task. First, ST interest points are extracted from video clips to form the feature space. Then we use k-means for feature clustering and build a compact representation, which is then used for group action classification. The proposed approach has been applied to classification tasks including four classes: badminton, tennis, basketball, and soccer videos. The experimental results demon-strate the advantages of the proposed approach.

    Learning Group Activity in Soccer Videos from Local Motion

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    Abstract. This paper proposes a local motion-based approach for recognizing group activities in soccer videos. Given the SIFT keypoint matches on two successive frames, we propose a simple but effective method to group these keypoints into the background point set and the foreground point set. The former one is used to estimate camera motion and the latter one is applied to represent group actions. After camera motion compensation, we apply a local motion descriptor to characterize relative motion between corresponding keypoints on two consecutive frames. The novel descriptor is effective in representing group activities since it focuses on local motion of individuals and excludes noise such as background motion caused by inaccurate compensation. Experimental results show that our approach achieves high recognition rates in soccer videos and is robust to inaccurate compensation results.