3 research outputs found

    New Science Gateways for Advanced Computing Simulations and Visualization Using Vine Toolkit in PL-Grid

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    A Science Gateway is a connection between scientists and their computational tools in the form of web portal. It creates a space for communities, collaboration and data sharing and visualization in a comprehensive and efficient manner. The main purpose of such a solution is to allow users to access the computational resources, process and analyze their data and get the results in a uniform and user friendly way. In this paper we propose a complex solution based on the Rich Internet Application (RIA) approach consisting of a web portal powered by Vine Toolkit with Adobe Flex/BlazeDs technologies. There are two Science Gateways described in detail one for engineers to manage computationally intensive workflows used in advanced airplane construction simulations, and one for nanotechnology scientists to manage experiments in nano-science field calculated with Density Functional Theory (DFT). In both cases the results show how modern web solution can help scientists in their work. &nbsp


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    Enabling scientists to use remote distributed infrastructures, parametrizeand execute common science-domain applications transparently is actual anda highly relevant field of distributed computing. For this purpose a general so-lution is the concept of Science Gateways. WS-PGRADE/gUSE system offersa transparent and web-based interface to access distributed resources (grids,clusters or clouds), extended by a powerful generic purpose workflow editorand enactment system, which can be used to compose scientific applicationsinto data-flow based workflow structures. It’s a generic web-based portal so-lution to organize scientific applications in a workflow structure and executethem on remote computational resources. As the portal defines nodes as black-box applications uploaded by the users, it does not provide any applicationspecific interface by default. In this paper we show what kind of tools, APIsand interfaces are available in WS-PGRADE/gUSE to customize it to have anapplication specific gateway