2 research outputs found

    Efficient PID Controller based Hexapod Wall Following Robot

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    This paper presents a design of wall followingbehaviour for hexapod robot based on PID controller. PIDcontroller is proposed here because of its ability to controlmany cases of non-linear systems. In this case, we proposed aPID controller to improve the speed and stability of hexapodrobot movement while following the wall. In this paper, PIDcontroller is used to control the robot legs, by adjusting thevalue of swing angle during forward or backward movement tomaintain the distance between the robot and the wall. Theexperimental result was verified by implementing the proposedcontrol method into actual prototype of hexapod robot

    Efficient PID Controller based Hexapod Wall Following Robot

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    This paper presents a design of wall following behaviour for hexapod robot based on PID controller. PID controller is proposed here because of its ability to control many cases of non-linear systems. In this case, we proposed a PID controller to improve the speed and stability of hexapod robot movement while following the wall. In this paper, PID controller is used to control the robot legs, by adjusting the value of swing angle during forward or backward movement to maintain the distance between the robot and the wall. The experimental result was verified by implementing the proposed control method into actual prototype of hexapod robot