1 research outputs found

    Grid Services for Fast Retrieval on Large Multidimensional Databases

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    Abstract. Fast, user-centric access to and evaluation of large supercomputing results is a well-recognised problem among compute and data service providers. In the ESTEDI initiative, research and industry from Europe and beyond cooperate to overcome this obstacle. The basic approach is to augment the highvolume data generators with a database system for the management and extraction of spatio-temporal data. Led by ERCOFTAC (European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion), a detailed requirements analysis has been carried out which forms the basis for the specification of a High-Performance Computing (HPC) database platform. Implementation of this platform relies on the multidimensional database system RasDaMan. Evaluation covers all major application fields by HPC centres with in-depth experience in their resp. field. We introduce the ESTEDI project and give an overview of the data management platform under development.