11 research outputs found

    Coloring triple systems with local conditions

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    We produce an edge-coloring of the complete 3-uniform hypergraph on n vertices with eO(loglogn)e^{O(\sqrt {log log n})} colors such that the edges spanned by every set of five vertices receive at least three distinct colors. This answers the first open case of a question of Conlon-Fox-Lee-Sudakov [1] who asked whether such a coloring exists with (logn)o(1)(log n)^{o(1)} colors

    On locally rainbow colourings

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    Given a graph HH, let g(n,H)g(n,H) denote the smallest kk for which the following holds. We can assign a kk-colouring fvf_v of the edge set of KnK_n to each vertex vv in KnK_n with the property that for any copy TT of HH in KnK_n, there is some uV(T)u\in V(T) such that every edge in TT has a different colour in fuf_u. The study of this function was initiated by Alon and Ben-Eliezer. They characterized the family of graphs HH for which g(n,H)g(n,H) is bounded and asked whether it is true that for every other graph g(n,H)g(n,H) is polynomial. We show that this is not the case and characterize the family of connected graphs HH for which g(n,H)g(n,H) grows polynomially. Answering another question of theirs, we also prove that for every ε>0\varepsilon>0, there is some r=r(ε)r=r(\varepsilon) such that g(n,Kr)n1εg(n,K_r)\geq n^{1-\varepsilon} for all sufficiently large nn. Finally, we show that the above problem is connected to the Erd\H{o}s-Gy\'arf\'as function in Ramsey Theory, and prove a family of special cases of a conjecture of Conlon, Fox, Lee and Sudakov by showing that for each fixed rr the complete rr-uniform hypergraph Kn(r)K_n^{(r)} can be edge-coloured using a subpolynomial number of colours in such a way that at least rr colours appear among any r+1r+1 vertices.Comment: 12 page

    Hypergraph Ramsey numbers of cliques versus stars

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    Let Km(3)K_m^{(3)} denote the complete 33-uniform hypergraph on mm vertices and Sn(3)S_n^{(3)} the 33-uniform hypergraph on n+1n+1 vertices consisting of all (n2)\binom{n}{2} edges incident to a given vertex. Whereas many hypergraph Ramsey numbers grow either at most polynomially or at least exponentially, we show that the off-diagonal Ramsey number r(K4(3),Sn(3))r(K_{4}^{(3)},S_n^{(3)}) exhibits an unusual intermediate growth rate, namely, 2clog2nr(K4(3),Sn(3))2cn2/3logn 2^{c \log^2 n} \le r(K_{4}^{(3)},S_n^{(3)}) \le 2^{c' n^{2/3}\log n} for some positive constants cc and cc'. The proof of these bounds brings in a novel Ramsey problem on grid graphs which may be of independent interest: what is the minimum NN such that any 22-edge-coloring of the Cartesian product KNKNK_N \square K_N contains either a red rectangle or a blue KnK_n?Comment: 13 page

    Recent developments in graph Ramsey theory

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    Given a graph H, the Ramsey number r(H) is the smallest natural number N such that any two-colouring of the edges of K_N contains a monochromatic copy of H. The existence of these numbers has been known since 1930 but their quantitative behaviour is still not well understood. Even so, there has been a great deal of recent progress on the study of Ramsey numbers and their variants, spurred on by the many advances across extremal combinatorics. In this survey, we will describe some of this progress

    The Erdős-Gyárfás problem on generalized Ramsey numbers

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    Fix positive integers p and q with [equation; see abstract in PDF for details]. An edge coloring of the complete graph K_n is said to be a (p,q)-coloring if every K_p receives at least q different colors. The function f(n,p,q) is the minimum number of colors that are needed for K_n to have a (p,q)-coloring. This function was introduced about 40 years ago, but Erdős and Gyárfás were the first to study the function in a systematic way. They proved that f(n,p,p) is polynomial in n and asked to determine the maximum q, depending on p, for which f(n,p,q) is subpolynomial in n. We prove that the answer is p - 1

    The Erdős-Gyárfás problem on generalized Ramsey numbers

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    Fix positive integers p and q with [equation; see abstract in PDF for details]. An edge coloring of the complete graph K_n is said to be a (p,q)-coloring if every K_p receives at least q different colors. The function f(n,p,q) is the minimum number of colors that are needed for K_n to have a (p,q)-coloring. This function was introduced about 40 years ago, but Erdős and Gyárfás were the first to study the function in a systematic way. They proved that f(n,p,p) is polynomial in n and asked to determine the maximum q, depending on p, for which f(n,p,q) is subpolynomial in n. We prove that the answer is p - 1

    An improved upper bound for the grid Ramsey problem

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