1 research outputs found

    Grid Adaptation For Gas Dynamic And Astrophysical Flows

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    Numerical grid adaptation method for finite volume methods is presented. Unlike traditional adaptation methods, the method presented moves vertices of control volumes instead of their centers. To perform such movement, geometric information is used generated for the control volume method. The presented method can be used for two- and three-dimensional grids of arbitrary structure. Possibilities and limitations of the grid adaptation method are shown by various examples. Keywords: mesh adaptation, control volume method, structural 1. INTRODUCTION An important peculiarity of the most of grid adaptation methods is their orientation on finite-difference meshes. On one hand, this decreases the amount of information necessary for adaptation (we need only the coordinates of points and the function values at them). On the other hand, this can result in the increase of the computational time for recalculation of additional geometric information. This can even result in the break of approxima..