5 research outputs found

    Greedy Search with Probabilistic N-gram Matching for Neural Machine Translation

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    Neural machine translation (NMT) models are usually trained with the word-level loss using the teacher forcing algorithm, which not only evaluates the translation improperly but also suffers from exposure bias. Sequence-level training under the reinforcement framework can mitigate the problems of the word-level loss, but its performance is unstable due to the high variance of the gradient estimation. On these grounds, we present a method with a differentiable sequence-level training objective based on probabilistic n-gram matching which can avoid the reinforcement framework. In addition, this method performs greedy search in the training which uses the predicted words as context just as at inference to alleviate the problem of exposure bias. Experiment results on the NIST Chinese-to-English translation tasks show that our method significantly outperforms the reinforcement-based algorithms and achieves an improvement of 1.5 BLEU points on average over a strong baseline system.Comment: 7 pages, accepted by emnlp 201

    Bridging the Gap between Training and Inference for Neural Machine Translation

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    Neural Machine Translation (NMT) generates target words sequentially in the way of predicting the next word conditioned on the context words. At training time, it predicts with the ground truth words as context while at inference it has to generate the entire sequence from scratch. This discrepancy of the fed context leads to error accumulation among the way. Furthermore, word-level training requires strict matching between the generated sequence and the ground truth sequence which leads to overcorrection over different but reasonable translations. In this paper, we address these issues by sampling context words not only from the ground truth sequence but also from the predicted sequence by the model during training, where the predicted sequence is selected with a sentence-level optimum. Experiment results on Chinese->English and WMT'14 English->German translation tasks demonstrate that our approach can achieve significant improvements on multiple datasets.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Retrieving Sequential Information for Non-Autoregressive Neural Machine Translation

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    Non-Autoregressive Transformer (NAT) aims to accelerate the Transformer model through discarding the autoregressive mechanism and generating target words independently, which fails to exploit the target sequential information. Over-translation and under-translation errors often occur for the above reason, especially in the long sentence translation scenario. In this paper, we propose two approaches to retrieve the target sequential information for NAT to enhance its translation ability while preserving the fast-decoding property. Firstly, we propose a sequence-level training method based on a novel reinforcement algorithm for NAT (Reinforce-NAT) to reduce the variance and stabilize the training procedure. Secondly, we propose an innovative Transformer decoder named FS-decoder to fuse the target sequential information into the top layer of the decoder. Experimental results on three translation tasks show that the Reinforce-NAT surpasses the baseline NAT system by a significant margin on BLEU without decelerating the decoding speed and the FS-decoder achieves comparable translation performance to the autoregressive Transformer with considerable speedup.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, ACL 2019 long pape

    Guiding Teacher Forcing with Seer Forcing for Neural Machine Translation

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    Although teacher forcing has become the main training paradigm for neural machine translation, it usually makes predictions only conditioned on past information, and hence lacks global planning for the future. To address this problem, we introduce another decoder, called seer decoder, into the encoder-decoder framework during training, which involves future information in target predictions. Meanwhile, we force the conventional decoder to simulate the behaviors of the seer decoder via knowledge distillation. In this way, at test the conventional decoder can perform like the seer decoder without the attendance of it. Experiment results on the Chinese-English, English-German and English-Romanian translation tasks show our method can outperform competitive baselines significantly and achieves greater improvements on the bigger data sets. Besides, the experiments also prove knowledge distillation the best way to transfer knowledge from the seer decoder to the conventional decoder compared to adversarial learning and L2 regularization.Comment: Accepted by ACL-IJCNLP 2021 main conferenc

    Sequence-Level Training for Non-Autoregressive Neural Machine Translation

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    In recent years, Neural Machine Translation (NMT) has achieved notable results in various translation tasks. However, the word-by-word generation manner determined by the autoregressive mechanism leads to high translation latency of the NMT and restricts its low-latency applications. Non-Autoregressive Neural Machine Translation (NAT) removes the autoregressive mechanism and achieves significant decoding speedup through generating target words independently and simultaneously. Nevertheless, NAT still takes the word-level cross-entropy loss as the training objective, which is not optimal because the output of NAT cannot be properly evaluated due to the multimodality problem. In this paper, we propose using sequence-level training objectives to train NAT models, which evaluate the NAT outputs as a whole and correlates well with the real translation quality. Firstly, we propose training NAT models to optimize sequence-level evaluation metrics (e.g., BLEU) based on several novel reinforcement algorithms customized for NAT, which outperforms the conventional method by reducing the variance of gradient estimation. Secondly, we introduce a novel training objective for NAT models, which aims to minimize the Bag-of-Ngrams (BoN) difference between the model output and the reference sentence. The BoN training objective is differentiable and can be calculated efficiently without doing any approximations. Finally, we apply a three-stage training strategy to combine these two methods to train the NAT model. We validate our approach on four translation tasks (WMT14 En↔\leftrightarrowDe, WMT16 En↔\leftrightarrowRo), which shows that our approach largely outperforms NAT baselines and achieves remarkable performance on all translation tasks