78 research outputs found

    On block coherence of frames

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    Block coherence of matrices plays an important role in analyzing the performance of block compressed sensing recovery algorithms (Bajwa and Mixon, 2012). In this paper, we characterize two block coherence metrics: worst-case and average block coherence. First, we present lower bounds on worst-case block coherence, in both the general case and also when the matrix is constrained to be a union of orthobases. We then present deterministic matrix constructions based upon Kronecker products which obtain these lower bounds. We also characterize the worst-case block coherence of random subspaces. Finally, we present a flipping algorithm that can improve the average block coherence of a matrix, while maintaining the worst-case block coherence of the original matrix. We provide numerical examples which demonstrate that our proposed deterministic matrix construction performs well in block compressed sensing

    Signal reconstruction from the magnitude of subspace components

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    We consider signal reconstruction from the norms of subspace components generalizing standard phase retrieval problems. In the deterministic setting, a closed reconstruction formula is derived when the subspaces satisfy certain cubature conditions, that require at least a quadratic number of subspaces. Moreover, we address reconstruction under the erasure of a subset of the norms; using the concepts of pp-fusion frames and list decoding, we propose an algorithm that outputs a finite list of candidate signals, one of which is the correct one. In the random setting, we show that a set of subspaces chosen at random and of cardinality scaling linearly in the ambient dimension allows for exact reconstruction with high probability by solving the feasibility problem of a semidefinite program

    Filter Bank Fusion Frames

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    In this paper we characterize and construct novel oversampled filter banks implementing fusion frames. A fusion frame is a sequence of orthogonal projection operators whose sum can be inverted in a numerically stable way. When properly designed, fusion frames can provide redundant encodings of signals which are optimally robust against certain types of noise and erasures. However, up to this point, few implementable constructions of such frames were known; we show how to construct them using oversampled filter banks. In this work, we first provide polyphase domain characterizations of filter bank fusion frames. We then use these characterizations to construct filter bank fusion frame versions of discrete wavelet and Gabor transforms, emphasizing those specific finite impulse response filters whose frequency responses are well-behaved.Comment: keywords: filter banks, frames, tight, fusion, erasures, polyphas
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