2,077 research outputs found

    Robust Motion In-betweening

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    In this work we present a novel, robust transition generation technique that can serve as a new tool for 3D animators, based on adversarial recurrent neural networks. The system synthesizes high-quality motions that use temporally-sparse keyframes as animation constraints. This is reminiscent of the job of in-betweening in traditional animation pipelines, in which an animator draws motion frames between provided keyframes. We first show that a state-of-the-art motion prediction model cannot be easily converted into a robust transition generator when only adding conditioning information about future keyframes. To solve this problem, we then propose two novel additive embedding modifiers that are applied at each timestep to latent representations encoded inside the network's architecture. One modifier is a time-to-arrival embedding that allows variations of the transition length with a single model. The other is a scheduled target noise vector that allows the system to be robust to target distortions and to sample different transitions given fixed keyframes. To qualitatively evaluate our method, we present a custom MotionBuilder plugin that uses our trained model to perform in-betweening in production scenarios. To quantitatively evaluate performance on transitions and generalizations to longer time horizons, we present well-defined in-betweening benchmarks on a subset of the widely used Human3.6M dataset and on LaFAN1, a novel high quality motion capture dataset that is more appropriate for transition generation. We are releasing this new dataset along with this work, with accompanying code for reproducing our baseline results.Comment: Published at SIGGRAPH 202

    A Framework for Computational Design and Adaptation of Extended Reality User Interfaces

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    To facilitate high quality interaction during the regular use of computing systems, it is essential that the user interface (UI) deliver content and components in an appropriate manner. Although extended reality (XR) is emerging as a new computing platform, we still have a limited understanding of how best to design and present interactive content to users in such immersive environments. Adaptive UIs offer a promising approach for optimal presentation in XR as the user's environment, tasks, capabilities, and preferences vary under changing context. In this position paper, we present a design framework for adapting various characteristics of content presented in XR. We frame these as five considerations that need to be taken into account for adaptive XR UIs: What?, How Much?, Where?, How?, and When?. With this framework, we review literature on UI design and adaptation to reflect on approaches that have been adopted or developed in the past towards identifying current gaps and challenges, and opportunities for applying such approaches in XR. Using our framework, future work could identify and develop novel computational approaches for achieving successful adaptive user interfaces in such immersive environments.Comment: 5 pages, CHI 2023 Workshop on The Future of Computational Approaches for Understanding and Adapting User Interface

    CoVR: A Large-Scale Force-Feedback Robotic Interface for Non-Deterministic Scenarios in VR

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    We present CoVR, a novel robotic interface providing strong kinesthetic feedback (100 N) in a room-scale VR arena. It consists of a physical column mounted on a 2D Cartesian ceiling robot (XY displacements) with the capacity of (1) resisting to body-scaled users' actions such as pushing or leaning; (2) acting on the users by pulling or transporting them as well as (3) carrying multiple potentially heavy objects (up to 80kg) that users can freely manipulate or make interact with each other. We describe its implementation and define a trajectory generation algorithm based on a novel user intention model to support non-deterministic scenarios, where the users are free to interact with any virtual object of interest with no regards to the scenarios' progress. A technical evaluation and a user study demonstrate the feasibility and usability of CoVR, as well as the relevance of whole-body interactions involving strong forces, such as being pulled through or transported.Comment: 10 pages (without references), 14 pages tota

    Exploring Participatory Design Methods to Engage with Arab Communities

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    ArabHCI is an initiative inaugurated in CHI17 SIG Meeting that brought together 45+ HCI Arab and non-Arab researchers/practitioners who are conducting/interested in HCI within Arab communities. The goal of this workshop is to start dialogs that leverage our "insider" understanding of HCI research in the Arab context and assert our culture identity in design in order to explore challenges and opportunities for future research. In this workshop, we focus on one of the themes that derived our community discussions in most of the held events. We explore the extent to which participatory approaches in the Arab context are culturally and methodologically challenged. Our goal is to bring researchers/practitioners with success and failure stories while designing with Arab communities to discuss methods, share experiences and learned lessons. We plan to share the results of our discussions and research agenda with the wider CHI community through different social and scholarly channels

    Towards Democratizing the Fabrication of Electrochromic Displays

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    DataGarden: Exploring our Community in a VR Data Visualization

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    As our society is becoming increasingly data-dependent, more and more people rely on charts and graphs to understand and communicate complex data. While such visualizations effectively reveal meaningful trends, they unavoidably aggregate data into points and bars that are overly simplified depictions of ourselves and our communities. We present DataGarden, a system that supports embodied interactions with humane data representations in an immersive VR environment. Through the system, we explore ways to rethink the traditional visualization approach and allow people to empathize more deeply with the people behind the data.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Machine Learning practices and infrastructures

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    Machine Learning (ML) systems, particularly when deployed in high-stakes domains, are deeply consequential. They can exacerbate existing inequities, create new modes of discrimination, and reify outdated social constructs. Accordingly, the social context (i.e. organisations, teams, cultures) in which ML systems are developed is a site of active research for the field of AI ethics, and intervention for policymakers. This paper focuses on one aspect of social context that is often overlooked: interactions between practitioners and the tools they rely on, and the role these interactions play in shaping ML practices and the development of ML systems. In particular, through an empirical study of questions asked on the Stack Exchange forums, the use of interactive computing platforms (e.g. Jupyter Notebook and Google Colab) in ML practices is explored. I find that interactive computing platforms are used in a host of learning and coordination practices, which constitutes an infrastructural relationship between interactive computing platforms and ML practitioners. I describe how ML practices are co-evolving alongside the development of interactive computing platforms, and highlight how this risks making invisible aspects of the ML life cycle that AI ethics researchers' have demonstrated to be particularly salient for the societal impact of deployed ML systems

    MetaboAnalyst 5.0: narrowing the gap between raw spectra and functional insights.

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    Since its first release over a decade ago, the MetaboAnalyst web-based platform has become widely used for comprehensive metabolomics data analysis and interpretation. Here we introduce MetaboAnalyst version 5.0, aiming to narrow the gap from raw data to functional insights for global metabolomics based on high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS). Three modules have been developed to help achieve this goal, including: (i) a LC-MS Spectra Processing module which offers an easy-to-use pipeline that can perform automated parameter optimization and resumable analysis to significantly lower the barriers to LC-MS1 spectra processing; (ii) a Functional Analysis module which expands the previous MS Peaks to Pathways module to allow users to intuitively select any peak groups of interest and evaluate their enrichment of potential functions as defined by metabolic pathways and metabolite sets; (iii) a Functional Meta-Analysis module to combine multiple global metabolomics datasets obtained under complementary conditions or from similar studies to arrive at comprehensive functional insights. There are many other new functions including weighted joint-pathway analysis, data-driven network analysis, batch effect correction, merging technical replicates, improved compound name matching, etc. The web interface, graphics and underlying codebase have also been refactored to improve performance and user experience. At the end of an analysis session, users can now easily switch to other compatible modules for a more streamlined data analysis. MetaboAnalyst 5.0 is freely available at https://www.metaboanalyst.ca
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