2 research outputs found

    Structure Learning in Graphical Modeling

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    A graphical model is a statistical model that is associated to a graph whose nodes correspond to variables of interest. The edges of the graph reflect allowed conditional dependencies among the variables. Graphical models admit computationally convenient factorization properties and have long been a valuable tool for tractable modeling of multivariate distributions. More recently, applications such as reconstructing gene regulatory networks from gene expression data have driven major advances in structure learning, that is, estimating the graph underlying a model. We review some of these advances and discuss methods such as the graphical lasso and neighborhood selection for undirected graphical models (or Markov random fields), and the PC algorithm and score-based search methods for directed graphical models (or Bayesian networks). We further review extensions that account for effects of latent variables and heterogeneous data sources

    ISLET: Fast and Optimal Low-rank Tensor Regression via Importance Sketching

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    In this paper, we develop a novel procedure for low-rank tensor regression, namely \emph{\underline{I}mportance \underline{S}ketching \underline{L}ow-rank \underline{E}stimation for \underline{T}ensors} (ISLET). The central idea behind ISLET is \emph{importance sketching}, i.e., carefully designed sketches based on both the responses and low-dimensional structure of the parameter of interest. We show that the proposed method is sharply minimax optimal in terms of the mean-squared error under low-rank Tucker assumptions and under randomized Gaussian ensemble design. In addition, if a tensor is low-rank with group sparsity, our procedure also achieves minimax optimality. Further, we show through numerical study that ISLET achieves comparable or better mean-squared error performance to existing state-of-the-art methods while having substantial storage and run-time advantages including capabilities for parallel and distributed computing. In particular, our procedure performs reliable estimation with tensors of dimension p=O(108)p = O(10^8) and is 11 or 22 orders of magnitude faster than baseline methods