10 research outputs found

    Realizable paths and the NL vs L problem

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    A celebrated theorem of Savitch [Savitch'70] states that NSPACE(S) is contained in DSPACE(S²). In particular, Savitch gave a deterministic algorithm to solve ST-Connectivity (an NL-complete problem) using O({log}²{n}) space, implying NL (non-deterministic logspace) is contained in DSPACE({log}²{n}). While Savitch's theorem itself has not been improved in the last four decades, several graph connectivity problems are shown to lie between L and NL, providing new insights into the space-bounded complexity classes. All the connectivity problems considered in the literature so far are essentially special cases of ST-Connectivity. In this dissertation, we initiate the study of auxiliary PDAs as graph connectivity problems and define sixteen different "graph realizability problems" and study their relationships. The complexity of these connectivity problems lie between L (logspace) and P (polynomial time). ST-Realizability, the most general graph realizability problem is P-complete. 1DSTREAL(poly), the most specific graph realizability problem is L-complete. As special cases of our graph realizability problems we define two natural problems, Balanced ST-Connectivity and Positive Balanced ST-Connectivity, that lie between L and NL. We study the space complexity of SGSLOGCFL, a graph realizability problem lying between L and LOGCFL. We define generalizations of graph squaring and transitive closure, present efficient parallel algorithms for SGSLOGCFL and use the techniques of Trifonov to show that SGSLOGCFL is contained in DSPACE(lognloglogn). This implies that Balanced ST-Connectivity is contained in DSPACE(lognloglogn). We conclude with several interesting new research directions.PhDCommittee Chair: Richard Lipton; Committee Member: Anna Gal; Committee Member: Maria-Florina Balcan; Committee Member: Merrick Furst; Committee Member: William Coo

    Three lectures on random proper colorings of Zd\mathbb{Z}^d

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    A proper qq-coloring of a graph is an assignment of one of qq colors to each vertex of the graph so that adjacent vertices are colored differently. Sample uniformly among all proper qq-colorings of a large discrete cube in the integer lattice Zd\mathbb{Z}^d. Does the random coloring obtained exhibit any large-scale structure? Does it have fast decay of correlations? We discuss these questions and the way their answers depend on the dimension dd and the number of colors qq. The questions are motivated by statistical physics (anti-ferromagnetic materials, square ice), combinatorics (proper colorings, independent sets) and the study of random Lipschitz functions on a lattice. The discussion introduces a diverse set of tools, useful for this purpose and for other problems, including spatial mixing, entropy and coupling methods, Gibbs measures and their classification and refined contour analysis.Comment: 53 pages, 10 figures; Based on lectures given at the workshop on Random Walks, Random Graphs and Random Media, September 2019, Munich and at the school Lectures on Probability and Stochastic Processes XIV, December 2019, Delh

    Probabilistic methods and coloring problems in graphs

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    Aquest projecte està dedicat a estudiar el k-èssim nombre cromàtic generalitzat que sorgeix de les descomposicions Low Tree--Depth en grafs usant mètodes probabilístics.. Una extensió natural del nombre cromàtic d'un graf és l'estudi de particions de grafs en les que cada i parts indueixen un subgraf amb un cert paràmetre acotat en funció de i, per exemple cada i parts tenen com a molt i-1 arestes. En particular el nombre cromàtic generalitzat és le mínim nombre de parts per tal que cada i parts té 'treedepth' com a molt i. Resultats recents proven que grans classes de grafs tenen paràmetres d'aquest tipus acotats. L'objectiu del projecte és (i) fer servie mètodes probabilístics per donar cotas ajustades d'aquests paràmetres i (ii) estudiar el seu valor per grafs aleatoris

    The Complexity of Approximately Counting Retractions

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    Let GG be a graph that contains an induced subgraph HH. A retraction from GG to HH is a homomorphism from GG to HH that is the identity function on HH. Retractions are very well-studied: Given HH, the complexity of deciding whether there is a retraction from an input graph GG to HH is completely classified, in the sense that it is known for which HH this problem is tractable (assuming P≠NP\mathrm{P}\neq \mathrm{NP}). Similarly, the complexity of (exactly) counting retractions from GG to HH is classified (assuming FP≠#P\mathrm{FP}\neq \#\mathrm{P}). However, almost nothing is known about approximately counting retractions. Our first contribution is to give a complete trichotomy for approximately counting retractions to graphs of girth at least 55. Our second contribution is to locate the retraction counting problem for each HH in the complexity landscape of related approximate counting problems. Interestingly, our results are in contrast to the situation in the exact counting context. We show that the problem of approximately counting retractions is separated both from the problem of approximately counting homomorphisms and from the problem of approximately counting list homomorphisms --- whereas for exact counting all three of these problems are interreducible. We also show that the number of retractions is at least as hard to approximate as both the number of surjective homomorphisms and the number of compactions. In contrast, exactly counting compactions is the hardest of all of these exact counting problems

    Graph-indexed random walks on pseudotrees

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