10,430 research outputs found

    Structure Optimization for Deep Multimodal Fusion Networks using Graph-Induced Kernels

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    A popular testbed for deep learning has been multimodal recognition of human activity or gesture involving diverse inputs such as video, audio, skeletal pose and depth images. Deep learning architectures have excelled on such problems due to their ability to combine modality representations at different levels of nonlinear feature extraction. However, designing an optimal architecture in which to fuse such learned representations has largely been a non-trivial human engineering effort. We treat fusion structure optimization as a hyper-parameter search and cast it as a discrete optimization problem under the Bayesian optimization framework. We propose a novel graph-induced kernel to compute structural similarities in the search space of tree-structured multimodal architectures and demonstrate its effectiveness using two challenging multimodal human activity recognition datasets.Comment: Proceedings of the 25th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, April 2017, Bruges, Belgiu

    DeepStyle: Multimodal Search Engine for Fashion and Interior Design

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    In this paper, we propose a multimodal search engine that combines visual and textual cues to retrieve items from a multimedia database aesthetically similar to the query. The goal of our engine is to enable intuitive retrieval of fashion merchandise such as clothes or furniture. Existing search engines treat textual input only as an additional source of information about the query image and do not correspond to the real-life scenario where the user looks for 'the same shirt but of denim'. Our novel method, dubbed DeepStyle, mitigates those shortcomings by using a joint neural network architecture to model contextual dependencies between features of different modalities. We prove the robustness of this approach on two different challenging datasets of fashion items and furniture where our DeepStyle engine outperforms baseline methods by 18-21% on the tested datasets. Our search engine is commercially deployed and available through a Web-based application.Comment: Copyright held by IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    Alternating Diffusion Map Based Fusion of Multimodal Brain Connectivity Networks for IQ Prediction

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    To explain individual differences in development, behavior, and cognition, most previous studies focused on projecting resting-state functional MRI (fMRI) based functional connectivity (FC) data into a low-dimensional space via linear dimensionality reduction techniques, followed by executing analysis operations. However, linear dimensionality analysis techniques may fail to capture nonlinearity of brain neuroactivity. Moreover, besides resting-state FC, FC based on task fMRI can be expected to provide complementary information. Motivated by these considerations, we nonlinearly fuse resting-state and task-based FC networks (FCNs) to seek a better representation in this paper. We propose a framework based on alternating diffusion map (ADM), which extracts geometry-preserving low-dimensional embeddings that successfully parameterize the intrinsic variables driving the phenomenon of interest. Specifically, we first separately build resting-state and task-based FCNs by symmetric positive definite matrices using sparse inverse covariance estimation for each subject, and then utilize the ADM to fuse them in order to extract significant low-dimensional embeddings, which are used as fingerprints to identify individuals. The proposed framework is validated on the Philadelphia Neurodevelopmental Cohort data, where we conduct extensive experimental study on resting-state and fractal nn-back task fMRI for the classification of intelligence quotient (IQ). The fusion of resting-state and nn-back task fMRI by the proposed framework achieves better classification accuracy than any single fMRI, and the proposed framework is shown to outperform several other data fusion methods. To our knowledge, this paper is the first to demonstrate a successful extension of the ADM to fuse resting-state and task-based fMRI data for accurate prediction of IQ

    CCL: Cross-modal Correlation Learning with Multi-grained Fusion by Hierarchical Network

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    Cross-modal retrieval has become a highlighted research topic for retrieval across multimedia data such as image and text. A two-stage learning framework is widely adopted by most existing methods based on Deep Neural Network (DNN): The first learning stage is to generate separate representation for each modality, and the second learning stage is to get the cross-modal common representation. However, the existing methods have three limitations: (1) In the first learning stage, they only model intra-modality correlation, but ignore inter-modality correlation with rich complementary context. (2) In the second learning stage, they only adopt shallow networks with single-loss regularization, but ignore the intrinsic relevance of intra-modality and inter-modality correlation. (3) Only original instances are considered while the complementary fine-grained clues provided by their patches are ignored. For addressing the above problems, this paper proposes a cross-modal correlation learning (CCL) approach with multi-grained fusion by hierarchical network, and the contributions are as follows: (1) In the first learning stage, CCL exploits multi-level association with joint optimization to preserve the complementary context from intra-modality and inter-modality correlation simultaneously. (2) In the second learning stage, a multi-task learning strategy is designed to adaptively balance the intra-modality semantic category constraints and inter-modality pairwise similarity constraints. (3) CCL adopts multi-grained modeling, which fuses the coarse-grained instances and fine-grained patches to make cross-modal correlation more precise. Comparing with 13 state-of-the-art methods on 6 widely-used cross-modal datasets, the experimental results show our CCL approach achieves the best performance.Comment: 16 pages, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedi

    Relation-Aware Graph Attention Network for Visual Question Answering

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    In order to answer semantically-complicated questions about an image, a Visual Question Answering (VQA) model needs to fully understand the visual scene in the image, especially the interactive dynamics between different objects. We propose a Relation-aware Graph Attention Network (ReGAT), which encodes each image into a graph and models multi-type inter-object relations via a graph attention mechanism, to learn question-adaptive relation representations. Two types of visual object relations are explored: (i) Explicit Relations that represent geometric positions and semantic interactions between objects; and (ii) Implicit Relations that capture the hidden dynamics between image regions. Experiments demonstrate that ReGAT outperforms prior state-of-the-art approaches on both VQA 2.0 and VQA-CP v2 datasets. We further show that ReGAT is compatible to existing VQA architectures, and can be used as a generic relation encoder to boost the model performance for VQA.Comment: To appear in ICCV 201

    A Simple Baseline for Audio-Visual Scene-Aware Dialog

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    The recently proposed audio-visual scene-aware dialog task paves the way to a more data-driven way of learning virtual assistants, smart speakers and car navigation systems. However, very little is known to date about how to effectively extract meaningful information from a plethora of sensors that pound the computational engine of those devices. Therefore, in this paper, we provide and carefully analyze a simple baseline for audio-visual scene-aware dialog which is trained end-to-end. Our method differentiates in a data-driven manner useful signals from distracting ones using an attention mechanism. We evaluate the proposed approach on the recently introduced and challenging audio-visual scene-aware dataset, and demonstrate the key features that permit to outperform the current state-of-the-art by more than 20\% on CIDEr.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 201

    Deep Multimodal Subspace Clustering Networks

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    We present convolutional neural network (CNN) based approaches for unsupervised multimodal subspace clustering. The proposed framework consists of three main stages - multimodal encoder, self-expressive layer, and multimodal decoder. The encoder takes multimodal data as input and fuses them to a latent space representation. The self-expressive layer is responsible for enforcing the self-expressiveness property and acquiring an affinity matrix corresponding to the data points. The decoder reconstructs the original input data. The network uses the distance between the decoder's reconstruction and the original input in its training. We investigate early, late and intermediate fusion techniques and propose three different encoders corresponding to them for spatial fusion. The self-expressive layers and multimodal decoders are essentially the same for different spatial fusion-based approaches. In addition to various spatial fusion-based methods, an affinity fusion-based network is also proposed in which the self-expressive layer corresponding to different modalities is enforced to be the same. Extensive experiments on three datasets show that the proposed methods significantly outperform the state-of-the-art multimodal subspace clustering methods

    Modality-specific Cross-modal Similarity Measurement with Recurrent Attention Network

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    Nowadays, cross-modal retrieval plays an indispensable role to flexibly find information across different modalities of data. Effectively measuring the similarity between different modalities of data is the key of cross-modal retrieval. Different modalities such as image and text have imbalanced and complementary relationships, which contain unequal amount of information when describing the same semantics. For example, images often contain more details that cannot be demonstrated by textual descriptions and vice versa. Existing works based on Deep Neural Network (DNN) mostly construct one common space for different modalities to find the latent alignments between them, which lose their exclusive modality-specific characteristics. Different from the existing works, we propose modality-specific cross-modal similarity measurement (MCSM) approach by constructing independent semantic space for each modality, which adopts end-to-end framework to directly generate modality-specific cross-modal similarity without explicit common representation. For each semantic space, modality-specific characteristics within one modality are fully exploited by recurrent attention network, while the data of another modality is projected into this space with attention based joint embedding to utilize the learned attention weights for guiding the fine-grained cross-modal correlation learning, which can capture the imbalanced and complementary relationships between different modalities. Finally, the complementarity between the semantic spaces for different modalities is explored by adaptive fusion of the modality-specific cross-modal similarities to perform cross-modal retrieval. Experiments on the widely-used Wikipedia and Pascal Sentence datasets as well as our constructed large-scale XMediaNet dataset verify the effectiveness of our proposed approach, outperforming 9 state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 13 pages, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Image Processin

    Multimodal Local-Global Ranking Fusion for Emotion Recognition

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    Emotion recognition is a core research area at the intersection of artificial intelligence and human communication analysis. It is a significant technical challenge since humans display their emotions through complex idiosyncratic combinations of the language, visual and acoustic modalities. In contrast to traditional multimodal fusion techniques, we approach emotion recognition from both direct person-independent and relative person-dependent perspectives. The direct person-independent perspective follows the conventional emotion recognition approach which directly infers absolute emotion labels from observed multimodal features. The relative person-dependent perspective approaches emotion recognition in a relative manner by comparing partial video segments to determine if there was an increase or decrease in emotional intensity. Our proposed model integrates these direct and relative prediction perspectives by dividing the emotion recognition task into three easier subtasks. The first subtask involves a multimodal local ranking of relative emotion intensities between two short segments of a video. The second subtask uses local rankings to infer global relative emotion ranks with a Bayesian ranking algorithm. The third subtask incorporates both direct predictions from observed multimodal behaviors and relative emotion ranks from local-global rankings for final emotion prediction. Our approach displays excellent performance on an audio-visual emotion recognition benchmark and improves over other algorithms for multimodal fusion.Comment: ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2018

    Multi-view Laplacian Eigenmaps Based on Bag-of-Neighbors For RGBD Human Emotion Recognition

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    Human emotion recognition is an important direction in the field of biometric and information forensics. However, most existing human emotion research are based on the single RGB view. In this paper, we introduce a RGBD video-emotion dataset and a RGBD face-emotion dataset for research. To our best knowledge, this may be the first RGBD video-emotion dataset. We propose a new supervised nonlinear multi-view laplacian eigenmaps (MvLE) approach and a multihidden-layer out-of-sample network (MHON) for RGB-D humanemotion recognition. To get better representations of RGB view and depth view, MvLE is used to map the training set of both views from original space into the common subspace. As RGB view and depth view lie in different spaces, a new distance metric bag of neighbors (BON) used in MvLE can get the similar distributions of the two views. Finally, MHON is used to get the low-dimensional representations of test data and predict their labels. MvLE can deal with the cases that RGB view and depth view have different size of features, even different number of samples and classes. And our methods can be easily extended to more than two views. The experiment results indicate the effectiveness of our methods over some state-of-art methods
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