1,179 research outputs found

    Foundations and modelling of dynamic networks using Dynamic Graph Neural Networks: A survey

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    Dynamic networks are used in a wide range of fields, including social network analysis, recommender systems, and epidemiology. Representing complex networks as structures changing over time allow network models to leverage not only structural but also temporal patterns. However, as dynamic network literature stems from diverse fields and makes use of inconsistent terminology, it is challenging to navigate. Meanwhile, graph neural networks (GNNs) have gained a lot of attention in recent years for their ability to perform well on a range of network science tasks, such as link prediction and node classification. Despite the popularity of graph neural networks and the proven benefits of dynamic network models, there has been little focus on graph neural networks for dynamic networks. To address the challenges resulting from the fact that this research crosses diverse fields as well as to survey dynamic graph neural networks, this work is split into two main parts. First, to address the ambiguity of the dynamic network terminology we establish a foundation of dynamic networks with consistent, detailed terminology and notation. Second, we present a comprehensive survey of dynamic graph neural network models using the proposed terminologyComment: 28 pages, 9 figures, 8 table

    Node Embedding over Temporal Graphs

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    In this work, we present a method for node embedding in temporal graphs. We propose an algorithm that learns the evolution of a temporal graph's nodes and edges over time and incorporates this dynamics in a temporal node embedding framework for different graph prediction tasks. We present a joint loss function that creates a temporal embedding of a node by learning to combine its historical temporal embeddings, such that it optimizes per given task (e.g., link prediction). The algorithm is initialized using static node embeddings, which are then aligned over the representations of a node at different time points, and eventually adapted for the given task in a joint optimization. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach over a variety of temporal graphs for the two fundamental tasks of temporal link prediction and multi-label node classification, comparing to competitive baselines and algorithmic alternatives. Our algorithm shows performance improvements across many of the datasets and baselines and is found particularly effective for graphs that are less cohesive, with a lower clustering coefficient

    The Block Point Process Model for Continuous-Time Event-Based Dynamic Networks

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    We consider the problem of analyzing timestamped relational events between a set of entities, such as messages between users of an on-line social network. Such data are often analyzed using static or discrete-time network models, which discard a significant amount of information by aggregating events over time to form network snapshots. In this paper, we introduce a block point process model (BPPM) for continuous-time event-based dynamic networks. The BPPM is inspired by the well-known stochastic block model (SBM) for static networks. We show that networks generated by the BPPM follow an SBM in the limit of a growing number of nodes. We use this property to develop principled and efficient local search and variational inference procedures initialized by regularized spectral clustering. We fit BPPMs with exponential Hawkes processes to analyze several real network data sets, including a Facebook wall post network with over 3,500 nodes and 130,000 events.Comment: To appear at The Web Conference 201

    Self-Supervised Temporal Graph learning with Temporal and Structural Intensity Alignment

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    Temporal graph learning aims to generate high-quality representations for graph-based tasks along with dynamic information, which has recently drawn increasing attention. Unlike the static graph, a temporal graph is usually organized in the form of node interaction sequences over continuous time instead of an adjacency matrix. Most temporal graph learning methods model current interactions by combining historical information over time. However, such methods merely consider the first-order temporal information while ignoring the important high-order structural information, leading to sub-optimal performance. To solve this issue, by extracting both temporal and structural information to learn more informative node representations, we propose a self-supervised method termed S2T for temporal graph learning. Note that the first-order temporal information and the high-order structural information are combined in different ways by the initial node representations to calculate two conditional intensities, respectively. Then the alignment loss is introduced to optimize the node representations to be more informative by narrowing the gap between the two intensities. Concretely, besides modeling temporal information using historical neighbor sequences, we further consider the structural information from both local and global levels. At the local level, we generate structural intensity by aggregating features from the high-order neighbor sequences. At the global level, a global representation is generated based on all nodes to adjust the structural intensity according to the active statuses on different nodes. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method S2T achieves at most 10.13% performance improvement compared with the state-of-the-art competitors on several datasets

    Causal Discovery from Temporal Data: An Overview and New Perspectives

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    Temporal data, representing chronological observations of complex systems, has always been a typical data structure that can be widely generated by many domains, such as industry, medicine and finance. Analyzing this type of data is extremely valuable for various applications. Thus, different temporal data analysis tasks, eg, classification, clustering and prediction, have been proposed in the past decades. Among them, causal discovery, learning the causal relations from temporal data, is considered an interesting yet critical task and has attracted much research attention. Existing casual discovery works can be divided into two highly correlated categories according to whether the temporal data is calibrated, ie, multivariate time series casual discovery, and event sequence casual discovery. However, most previous surveys are only focused on the time series casual discovery and ignore the second category. In this paper, we specify the correlation between the two categories and provide a systematical overview of existing solutions. Furthermore, we provide public datasets, evaluation metrics and new perspectives for temporal data casual discovery.Comment: 52 pages, 6 figure

    TMac: Temporal Multi-Modal Graph Learning for Acoustic Event Classification

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    Audiovisual data is everywhere in this digital age, which raises higher requirements for the deep learning models developed on them. To well handle the information of the multi-modal data is the key to a better audiovisual modal. We observe that these audiovisual data naturally have temporal attributes, such as the time information for each frame in the video. More concretely, such data is inherently multi-modal according to both audio and visual cues, which proceed in a strict chronological order. It indicates that temporal information is important in multi-modal acoustic event modeling for both intra- and inter-modal. However, existing methods deal with each modal feature independently and simply fuse them together, which neglects the mining of temporal relation and thus leads to sub-optimal performance. With this motivation, we propose a Temporal Multi-modal graph learning method for Acoustic event Classification, called TMac, by modeling such temporal information via graph learning techniques. In particular, we construct a temporal graph for each acoustic event, dividing its audio data and video data into multiple segments. Each segment can be considered as a node, and the temporal relationships between nodes can be considered as timestamps on their edges. In this case, we can smoothly capture the dynamic information in intra-modal and inter-modal. Several experiments are conducted to demonstrate TMac outperforms other SOTA models in performance. Our code is available at https://github.com/MGitHubL/TMac.Comment: This work has been accepted by ACM MM 2023 for publicatio
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