3 research outputs found


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    Research in medical imagery field such as analysis of Red Blood Cells (RBCs) abnormalities can be used to assist laboratory’s in determining further medical actions. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) is a commonly used method for the classification of RBCs abnormalities in blood cells images. However, CNN requires large number of labeled training data. A classification of RBCs abnormalities in limited data is a challenge. In this research we explore a semi-supervised learning using Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN) to classify RBCs abnormalities with limited number of labeled sample images. The proposed method consists of 3 stages, i.e., extraction of Region of Interest (ROI) of RBCs from blood images using Faster R-CNN, abnormality labeling and abnormality classification using GCN. The experiment was conducted on a publicly accessible blood sample image dataset to compare classification performance of pretrained CNN models (Resnet-101 and VGG-16) and GCN models (Resnet-101 + GCN and VGG-16 + GCN). The experiment showed that the GCN model build on VGG-16 features (VGG-16  + GCN) produced the best accuracy of 95%

    Multi-Kernel Capsule Network for Schizophrenia Identification

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    Schizophrenia seriously affects the quality of life. To date, both simple (e.g., linear discriminant analysis) and complex (e.g., deep neural network) machine learning methods have been utilized to identify schizophrenia based on functional connectivity features. The existing simple methods need two separate steps (i.e., feature extraction and classification) to achieve the identification, which disables simultaneous tuning for the best feature extraction and classifier training. The complex methods integrate two steps and can be simultaneously tuned to achieve optimal performance, but these methods require a much larger amount of data for model training. To overcome the aforementioned drawbacks, we proposed a multi-kernel capsule network (MKCapsnet), which was developed by considering the brain anatomical structure. Kernels were set to match with partition sizes of brain anatomical structure in order to capture interregional connectivities at the varying scales. With the inspiration of widely-used dropout strategy in deep learning, we developed capsule dropout in the capsule layer to prevent overfitting of the model. The comparison results showed that the proposed method outperformed the state-of-the-art methods. Besides, we compared performances using different parameters and illustrated the routing process to reveal characteristics of the proposed method. MKCapsnet is promising for schizophrenia identification. Our study first utilized capsule neural network for analyzing functional connectivity of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and proposed a novel multi-kernel capsule structure with consideration of brain anatomical parcellation, which could be a new way to reveal brain mechanisms. In addition, we provided useful information in the parameter setting, which is informative for further studies using a capsule network for other neurophysiological signal classification