867 research outputs found

    Enhancing Document Information Analysis with Multi-Task Pre-training: A Robust Approach for Information Extraction in Visually-Rich Documents

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    This paper introduces a deep learning model tailored for document information analysis, emphasizing document classification, entity relation extraction, and document visual question answering. The proposed model leverages transformer-based models to encode all the information present in a document image, including textual, visual, and layout information. The model is pre-trained and subsequently fine-tuned for various document image analysis tasks. The proposed model incorporates three additional tasks during the pre-training phase, including reading order identification of different layout segments in a document image, layout segments categorization as per PubLayNet, and generation of the text sequence within a given layout segment (text block). The model also incorporates a collective pre-training scheme where losses of all the tasks under consideration, including pre-training and fine-tuning tasks with all datasets, are considered. Additional encoder and decoder blocks are added to the RoBERTa network to generate results for all tasks. The proposed model achieved impressive results across all tasks, with an accuracy of 95.87% on the RVL-CDIP dataset for document classification, F1 scores of 0.9306, 0.9804, 0.9794, and 0.8742 on the FUNSD, CORD, SROIE, and Kleister-NDA datasets respectively for entity relation extraction, and an ANLS score of 0.8468 on the DocVQA dataset for visual question answering. The results highlight the effectiveness of the proposed model in understanding and interpreting complex document layouts and content, making it a promising tool for document analysis tasks

    Vision-Enhanced Semantic Entity Recognition in Document Images via Visually-Asymmetric Consistency Learning

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    Extracting meaningful entities belonging to predefined categories from Visually-rich Form-like Documents (VFDs) is a challenging task. Visual and layout features such as font, background, color, and bounding box location and size provide important cues for identifying entities of the same type. However, existing models commonly train a visual encoder with weak cross-modal supervision signals, resulting in a limited capacity to capture these non-textual features and suboptimal performance. In this paper, we propose a novel \textbf{V}isually-\textbf{A}symmetric co\textbf{N}sisten\textbf{C}y \textbf{L}earning (\textsc{Vancl}) approach that addresses the above limitation by enhancing the model's ability to capture fine-grained visual and layout features through the incorporation of color priors. Experimental results on benchmark datasets show that our approach substantially outperforms the strong LayoutLM series baseline, demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach. Additionally, we investigate the effects of different color schemes on our approach, providing insights for optimizing model performance. We believe our work will inspire future research on multimodal information extraction.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, Accepted by EMNLP202

    DocParser: End-to-end OCR-free Information Extraction from Visually Rich Documents

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    Information Extraction from visually rich documents is a challenging task that has gained a lot of attention in recent years due to its importance in several document-control based applications and its widespread commercial value. The majority of the research work conducted on this topic to date follow a two-step pipeline. First, they read the text using an off-the-shelf Optical Character Recognition (OCR) engine, then, they extract the fields of interest from the obtained text. The main drawback of these approaches is their dependence on an external OCR system, which can negatively impact both performance and computational speed. Recent OCR-free methods were proposed to address the previous issues. Inspired by their promising results, we propose in this paper an OCR-free end-to-end information extraction model named DocParser. It differs from prior end-to-end approaches by its ability to better extract discriminative character features. DocParser achieves state-of-the-art results on various datasets, while still being faster than previous works.Comment: The 17th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognitio
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