3 research outputs found

    Star Colouring of Bounded Degree Graphs and Regular Graphs

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    A kk-star colouring of a graph GG is a function f:V(G)β†’{0,1,…,kβˆ’1}f:V(G)\to\{0,1,\dots,k-1\} such that f(u)β‰ f(v)f(u)\neq f(v) for every edge uvuv of GG, and every bicoloured connected subgraph of GG is a star. The star chromatic number of GG, Ο‡s(G)\chi_s(G), is the least integer kk such that GG is kk-star colourable. We prove that Ο‡s(G)β‰₯⌈(d+4)/2βŒ‰\chi_s(G)\geq \lceil (d+4)/2\rceil for every dd-regular graph GG with dβ‰₯3d\geq 3. We reveal the structure and properties of even-degree regular graphs GG that attain this lower bound. The structure of such graphs GG is linked with a certain type of Eulerian orientations of GG. Moreover, this structure can be expressed in the LC-VSP framework of Telle and Proskurowski (SIDMA, 1997), and hence can be tested by an FPT algorithm with the parameter either treewidth, cliquewidth, or rankwidth. We prove that for pβ‰₯2p\geq 2, a 2p2p-regular graph GG is (p+2)(p+2)-star colourable only if n:=∣V(G)∣n:=|V(G)| is divisible by (p+1)(p+2)(p+1)(p+2). For each pβ‰₯2p\geq 2 and nn divisible by (p+1)(p+2)(p+1)(p+2), we construct a 2p2p-regular Hamiltonian graph on nn vertices which is (p+2)(p+2)-star colourable. The problem kk-STAR COLOURABILITY takes a graph GG as input and asks whether GG is kk-star colourable. We prove that 3-STAR COLOURABILITY is NP-complete for planar bipartite graphs of maximum degree three and arbitrarily large girth. Besides, it is coNP-hard to test whether a bipartite graph of maximum degree eight has a unique 3-star colouring up to colour swaps. For kβ‰₯3k\geq 3, kk-STAR COLOURABILITY of bipartite graphs of maximum degree kk is NP-complete, and does not even admit a 2o(n)2^{o(n)}-time algorithm unless ETH fails

    Hardness Transitions of Star Colouring and Restricted Star Colouring

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    We study how the complexity of the graph colouring problems star colouring and restricted star colouring vary with the maximum degree of the graph. Restricted star colouring (in short, rs colouring) is a variant of star colouring. For k∈Nk\in \mathbb{N}, a kk-colouring of a graph GG is a function f ⁣:V(G)β†’Zkf\colon V(G)\to \mathbb{Z}_k such that f(u)β‰ f(v)f(u)\neq f(v) for every edge uvuv of GG. A kk-colouring of GG is called a kk-star colouring of GG if there is no path u,v,w,xu,v,w,x in GG with f(u)=f(w)f(u)=f(w) and f(v)=f(x)f(v)=f(x). A kk-colouring of GG is called a kk-rs colouring of GG if there is no path u,v,wu,v,w in GG with f(v)>f(u)=f(w)f(v)>f(u)=f(w). For k∈Nk\in \mathbb{N}, the problem kk-STAR COLOURABILITY takes a graph GG as input and asks whether GG admits a kk-star colouring. The problem kk-RS COLOURABILITY is defined similarly. Recently, Brause et al. (Electron. J. Comb., 2022) investigated the complexity of 3-star colouring with respect to the graph diameter. We study the complexity of kk-star colouring and kk-rs colouring with respect to the maximum degree for all kβ‰₯3k\geq 3. For kβ‰₯3k\geq 3, let us denote the least integer dd such that kk-STAR COLOURABILITY (resp. kk-RS COLOURABILITY) is NP-complete for graphs of maximum degree dd by Ls(k)L_s^{(k)} (resp. Lrs(k)L_{rs}^{(k)}). We prove that for k=5k=5 and kβ‰₯7k\geq 7, kk-STAR COLOURABILITY is NP-complete for graphs of maximum degree kβˆ’1k-1. We also show that 44-RS COLOURABILITY is NP-complete for planar 3-regular graphs of girth 5 and kk-RS COLOURABILITY is NP-complete for triangle-free graphs of maximum degree kβˆ’1k-1 for kβ‰₯5k\geq 5. Using these results, we prove the following: (i) for kβ‰₯4k\geq 4 and d≀kβˆ’1d\leq k-1, kk-STAR COLOURABILITY is NP-complete for dd-regular graphs if and only if dβ‰₯Ls(k)d\geq L_s^{(k)}; and (ii) for kβ‰₯4k\geq 4, kk-RS COLOURABILITY is NP-complete for dd-regular graphs if and only if Lrs(k)≀d≀kβˆ’1L_{rs}^{(k)}\leq d\leq k-1