1 research outputs found

    Gradual removal of QoS constraint violations by employing recursive bargaining strategy for optimizing service composition execution path

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    A critical issue in service composition area is how to achieve an optimized overall end-to-end quality of service(QoS) requirements by effectively coordinating QoS constraints for individual service. However, this issue has not yet been well addressed. In this paper, we propose a novel method by employing a recursive bargaining Strategy to gradually remove QoS constraint violations for Optimizing service composition execution Path. Our method mainly exploits the hidden market competitive relationships which widely exist in real business world for developing a novel bargaining strategy. Based on this strategy, concessions can be made by service providers to offer better QoS values. By recursively using bargaining strategy, an initial execution path built by a local optimization policy for service composition, can be continually updated to be close to the optimal one by reselecting better service providers for meeting overall end-to-end QoS requirements. An experiment and evaluation have been made to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of our proposed method