2 research outputs found

    Online Continual Adaptation with Active Self-Training

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    Models trained with offline data often suffer from continual distribution shifts and expensive labeling in changing environments. This calls for a new online learning paradigm where the learner can continually adapt to changing environments with limited labels. In this paper, we propose a new online setting -- Online Active Continual Adaptation, where the learner aims to continually adapt to changing distributions using both unlabeled samples and active queries of limited labels. To this end, we propose Online Self-Adaptive Mirror Descent (OSAMD), which adopts an online teacher-student structure to enable online self-training from unlabeled data, and a margin-based criterion that decides whether to query the labels to track changing distributions. Theoretically, we show that, in the separable case, OSAMD has an O(T1/2)O({T}^{1/2}) dynamic regret bound under mild assumptions, which is even tighter than the lower bound Ω(T2/3)\Omega(T^{2/3}) of traditional online learning with full labels. In the general case, we show a regret bound of O(α∗1/3T2/3+α∗T)O({\alpha^*}^{1/3} {T}^{2/3} + \alpha^* T), where α∗\alpha^* denotes the separability of domains and is usually small. Our theoretical results show that OSAMD can fast adapt to changing environments with active queries. Empirically, we demonstrate that OSAMD achieves favorable regrets under changing environments with limited labels on both simulated and real-world data, which corroborates our theoretical findings

    Understanding Self-Training for Gradual Domain Adaptation

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    Machine learning systems must adapt to data distributions that evolve over time, in applications ranging from sensor networks and self-driving car perception modules to brain-machine interfaces. We consider gradual domain adaptation, where the goal is to adapt an initial classifier trained on a source domain given only unlabeled data that shifts gradually in distribution towards a target domain. We prove the first non-vacuous upper bound on the error of self-training with gradual shifts, under settings where directly adapting to the target domain can result in unbounded error. The theoretical analysis leads to algorithmic insights, highlighting that regularization and label sharpening are essential even when we have infinite data, and suggesting that self-training works particularly well for shifts with small Wasserstein-infinity distance. Leveraging the gradual shift structure leads to higher accuracies on a rotating MNIST dataset and a realistic Portraits dataset