25 research outputs found

    Local Convolutions Cause an Implicit Bias towards High Frequency Adversarial Examples

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    Adversarial Attacks are still a significant challenge for neural networks. Recent work has shown that adversarial perturbations typically contain high-frequency features, but the root cause of this phenomenon remains unknown. Inspired by theoretical work on linear full-width convolutional models, we hypothesize that the local (i.e. bounded-width) convolutional operations commonly used in current neural networks are implicitly biased to learn high frequency features, and that this is one of the root causes of high frequency adversarial examples. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed the impact of different choices of linear and nonlinear architectures on the implicit bias of the learned features and the adversarial perturbations, in both spatial and frequency domains. We find that the high-frequency adversarial perturbations are critically dependent on the convolution operation because the spatially-limited nature of local convolutions induces an implicit bias towards high frequency features. The explanation for the latter involves the Fourier Uncertainty Principle: a spatially-limited (local in the space domain) filter cannot also be frequency-limited (local in the frequency domain). Furthermore, using larger convolution kernel sizes or avoiding convolutions (e.g. by using Vision Transformers architecture) significantly reduces this high frequency bias, but not the overall susceptibility to attacks. Looking forward, our work strongly suggests that understanding and controlling the implicit bias of architectures will be essential for achieving adversarial robustness.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, 12 Table

    Data symmetries and Learning in fully connected neural networks

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    Symmetries in the data and how they constrain the learned weights of modern deep networks is still an open problem. In this work we study the simple case of fully connected shallow non-linear neural networks and consider two types of symmetries: full dataset symmetries where the dataset X is mapped into itself by any transformation g , i.e. gX = X or single data point symmetries where gx = x , x ∈ X . We prove and experimentally confirm that symmetries in the data are directly inherited at the level of the network’s learned weights and relate these findings with the common practice of data augmentation in modern machine learning. Finally, we show how symmetry constraints have a profound impact on the spectrum of the learned weights, an aspect of the so-called network implicit bias

    Translational symmetry in convolutions with localized kernels causes an implicit bias toward high frequency adversarial examples

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    Adversarial attacks are still a significant challenge for neural networks. Recent efforts have shown that adversarial perturbations typically contain high-frequency features, but the root cause of this phenomenon remains unknown. Inspired by theoretical work on linear convolutional models, we hypothesize that translational symmetry in convolutional operations together with localized kernels implicitly bias the learning of high-frequency features, and that this is one of the main causes of high frequency adversarial examples. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed the impact of different choices of linear and non-linear architectures on the implicit bias of the learned features and adversarial perturbations, in spatial and frequency domains. We find that, independently of the training dataset, convolutional operations have higher frequency adversarial attacks compared to other architectural parameterizations, and that this phenomenon is exacerbated with stronger locality of the kernel (kernel size) end depth of the model. The explanation for the kernel size dependence involves the Fourier Uncertainty Principle: a spatially-limited filter (local kernel in the space domain) cannot also be frequency-limited (local in the frequency domain). Using larger convolution kernel sizes or avoiding convolutions (e.g., by using Vision Transformers or MLP-style architectures) significantly reduces this high-frequency bias. Looking forward, our work strongly suggests that understanding and controlling the implicit bias of architectures will be essential for achieving adversarial robustness

    Shallow Univariate ReLU Networks as Splines: Initialization, Loss Surface, Hessian, and Gradient Flow Dynamics

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    Understanding the learning dynamics and inductive bias of neural networks (NNs) is hindered by the opacity of the relationship between NN parameters and the function represented. Partially, this is due to symmetries inherent within the NN parameterization, allowing multiple different parameter settings to result in an identical output function, resulting in both an unclear relationship and redundant degrees of freedom. The NN parameterization is invariant under two symmetries: permutation of the neurons and a continuous family of transformations of the scale of weight and bias parameters. We propose taking a quotient with respect to the second symmetry group and reparametrizing ReLU NNs as continuous piecewise linear splines. Using this spline lens, we study learning dynamics in shallow univariate ReLU NNs, finding unexpected insights and explanations for several perplexing phenomena. We develop a surprisingly simple and transparent view of the structure of the loss surface, including its critical and fixed points, Hessian, and Hessian spectrum. We also show that standard weight initializations yield very flat initial functions, and that this flatness, together with overparametrization and the initial weight scale, is responsible for the strength and type of implicit regularization, consistent with previous work. Our implicit regularization results are complementary to recent work, showing that initialization scale critically controls implicit regularization via a kernel-based argument. Overall, removing the weight scale symmetry enables us to prove these results more simply and enables us to prove new results and gain new insights while offering a far more transparent and intuitive picture. Looking forward, our quotiented spline-based approach will extend naturally to the multivariate and deep settings, and alongside the kernel-based view, we believe it will play a foundational role in efforts to understand neural networks. Videos of learning dynamics using a spline-based visualization are available at http://shorturl.at/tFWZ2