532 research outputs found

    Explicit polynomial bounds on prime ideals in polynomial rings over fields

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    Suppose II is an ideal of a polynomial ring over a field, I⊆k[x1,…,xn]I\subseteq k[x_1,\ldots,x_n], and whenever fg∈Ifg\in I with degree ≤b\leq b, then either f∈If\in I or g∈Ig\in I. When bb is sufficiently large, it follows that II is prime. Schmidt-G\"ottsch proved that "sufficiently large" can be taken to be a polynomial in the degree of generators of II (with the degree of this polynomial depending on nn). However Schmidt-G\"ottsch used model-theoretic methods to show this, and did not give any indication of how large the degree of this polynomial is. In this paper we obtain an explicit bound on bb, polynomial in the degree of the generators of II. We also give a similar bound for detecting maximal ideals in k[x1,…,xn]k[x_1,\ldots,x_n]

    Algorithmic Linearly Constrained Gaussian Processes

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    We algorithmically construct multi-output Gaussian process priors which satisfy linear differential equations. Our approach attempts to parametrize all solutions of the equations using Gr\"obner bases. If successful, a push forward Gaussian process along the paramerization is the desired prior. We consider several examples from physics, geomathematics and control, among them the full inhomogeneous system of Maxwell's equations. By bringing together stochastic learning and computer algebra in a novel way, we combine noisy observations with precise algebraic computations.Comment: NIPS 201

    Homotopy invariants for M‾0,n\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{0,n} via Koszul duality

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    We show that the integral cohomology rings of the moduli spaces of stable rational marked curves are Koszul. This answers an open question of Manin. Using the machinery of Koszul spaces developed by Berglund, we compute the rational homotopy Lie algebras of those spaces, and obtain some estimates for Betti numbers of their free loop spaces in case of torsion coefficients. We also prove and conjecture some generalisations of our main result.Comment: 14 pages, updated versio

    Classification of regular parametrized one-relation operads

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    Jean-Louis Loday introduced a class of symmetric operads generated by one bilinear operation subject to one relation making each left-normed product of three elements equal to a linear combination of right-normed products: (a1a2)a3=∑σ∈S3xσ aσ(1)(aσ(2)aσ(3)) ; (a_1a_2)a_3=\sum_{\sigma\in S_3}x_\sigma\, a_{\sigma(1)}(a_{\sigma(2)}a_{\sigma(3)})\ ; such an operad is called a parametrized one-relation operad. For a particular choice of parameters {xσ}\{x_\sigma\}, this operad is said to be regular if each of its components is the regular representation of the symmetric group; equivalently, the corresponding free algebra on a vector space VV is, as a graded vector space, isomorphic to the tensor algebra of VV. We classify, over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, all regular parametrized one-relation operads. In fact, we prove that each such operad is isomorphic to one of the following five operads: the left-nilpotent operad defined by the identity ((a1a2)a3)=0((a_1a_2)a_3)=0, the associative operad, the Leibniz operad, the dual Leibniz (Zinbiel) operad, and the Poisson operad. Our computational methods combine linear algebra over polynomial rings, representation theory of the symmetric group, and Gr\"obner bases for determinantal ideals and their radicals.Comment: 31 pages, final version, accepted for publication in Canadian Journal of Mathematic

    Involutive Algorithms for Computing Groebner Bases

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    In this paper we describe an efficient involutive algorithm for constructing Groebner bases of polynomial ideals. The algorithm is based on the concept of involutive monomial division which restricts the conventional division in a certain way. In the presented algorithm a reduced Groebner basis is the internally fixed subset of an involutive basis, and having computed the later, the former can be output without any extra computational costs. We also discuss some accounts of experimental superiority of the involutive algorithm over Buchberger's algorithm.Comment: 27 pages, Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Computational commutative and non-commutative algebraic geometry" (Chishinau, June 6-11, 2004), IOS Press, to appea

    The degree of a tropical basis

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    We give an explicit upper bound for the degree of a tropical basis of a homogeneous polynomial ideal. As an application f-vectors of tropical varieties are discussed. Various examples illustrate differences between Gr\"obner and tropical bases.Comment: 8 page

    From analytical mechanical problems to rewriting theory through M. Janet

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    This note surveys the historical background of the Gr\"obner basis theory for D-modules and linear rewriting theory. The objective is to present a deep interaction of these two fields largely developed in algebra throughout the twentieth century. We recall the work of M. Janet on the algebraic analysis on linear partial differential systems that leads to the notion of involutive division. We present some generalizations of the division introduced by M. Janet and their relations with Gr\"obner basis theory.Comment: Lecture note of the Kobe-Lyon summer school 201

    Ideals modulo a prime

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    The main focus of this paper is on the problem of relating an ideal II in the polynomial ring Q[x1,…,xn]\mathbb Q[x_1, \dots, x_n] to a corresponding ideal in Fp[x1,…,xn]\mathbb F_p[x_1,\dots, x_n] where pp is a prime number; in other words, the \textit{reduction modulo pp} of II. We first define a new notion of σ\sigma-good prime for II which does depends on the term ordering σ\sigma, but not on the given generators of II. We relate our notion of σ\sigma-good primes to some other similar notions already in the literature. Then we introduce and describe a new invariant called the universal denominator which frees our definition of reduction modulo~pp from the term ordering, thus letting us show that all but finitely many primes are good for II. One characteristic of our approach is that it enables us to easily detect some bad primes, a distinct advantage when using modular methods.Comment: Improvements, and extended bibliography. To be published on "Journal of Algebra and Its Applications (JAA)

    Linear systems over localizations of rings

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    We describe a method for solving linear systems over the localization of a commutative ring RR at a multiplicatively closed subset SS that works under the following hypotheses: the ring RR is coherent, i.e., we can compute finite generating sets of row syzygies of matrices over RR, and there is an algorithm that decides for any given finitely generated ideal I⊆RI \subseteq R the existence of an element rr in S∩IS \cap I and in the affirmative case computes rr as a concrete linear combination of the generators of II.Comment: Improvement of the metho

    Parameterized Type Definitions in Mathematica: Methods and Advantages

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    The theme of symbolic computation in algebraic categories has become of utmost importance in the last decade since it enables the automatic modeling of modern algebra theories. On this theoretical background, the present paper reveals the utility of the parameterized categorical approach by deriving a multivariate polynomial category (over various coefficient domains), which is used by our Mathematica implementation of Buchberger's algorithms for determining the Groebner basis. These implementations are designed according to domain and category parameterization principles underlining their advantages: operation protection, inheritance, generality, easy extendibility. In particular, such an extension of Mathematica, a widely used symbolic computation system, with a new type system has a certain practical importance. The approach we propose for Mathematica is inspired from D. Gruntz and M. Monagan's work in Gauss, for Maple.Comment: 14 page
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