2 research outputs found

    You can't tickle yourself...or can you? The effect of a hypnotic suggestion on sensory attenuation phenomenon

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    The internal motor simulation mechanism is widely believed to generate anticipatory sensory outcomes on the basis of the efferent copy of the motor commands. What is currently unknown is whether the motor prediction mechanism can integrate non-motor inputs such as a hypnotic suggestion in generating sensory predictions. Seventy-two undergraduate students (M=12, F=60) were recruited via Plymouth University participation pool, to undergo a randomised hypnotic suggestion (IV) of either an alien- hand or an alien-foot. The participants were asked to apply tactile stimulation to their left palm (DV) before and after the suggestion and report the tickling sensations. The results revealed an unexpected trend, which just fell short of statistical significance, not only did the control participants get more ticklish over time, but also some participants in the test group felt more in control as a result of alien-hand suggestion. This study found no evidence to support the idea of higher-level functioning forward model. The discussion explores possible explanations for the unexpected findings and highlights a couple of limitations. Finally, implications of the findings are noted with scope of direction for future studies exploring action control theories

    Modellierung der kognitiven Säuglingsentwicklung mittels neuronaler Netze

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    This thesis investigates the development of early cognition in infancy using neural network models. Fundamental events in visual perception such as caused motion, occlusion, object permanence, tracking of moving objects behind occluders, object unity perception and sequence learning are modeled in a unifying computational framework while staying close to experimental data in developmental psychology of infancy. In the first project, the development of causality and occlusion perception in infancy is modeled using a simple, three-layered, recurrent network trained with error backpropagation to predict future inputs (Elman network). The model unifies two infant studies on causality and occlusion perception. Subsequently, in the second project, the established framework is extended to a larger prediction network that models the development of object unity, object permanence and occlusion perception in infancy. It is shown that these different phenomena can be unified into a single theoretical framework thereby explaining experimental data from 14 infant studies. The framework shows that these developmental phenomena can be explained by accurately representing and predicting statistical regularities in the visual environment. The models assume (1) different neuronal populations processing different motion directions of visual stimuli in the visual cortex of the newborn infant which are supported by neuroscientific evidence and (2) available learning algorithms that are guided by the goal of predicting future events. Specifically, the models demonstrate that no innate force notions, motion analysis modules, common motion detectors, specific perceptual rules or abilities to "reason" about entities which have been widely postulated in the developmental literature are necessary for the explanation of the discussed phenomena. Since the prediction of future events turned out to be fruitful for theoretical explanation of various developmental phenomena and a guideline for learning in infancy, the third model addresses the development of visual expectations themselves. A self-organising, fully recurrent neural network model that forms internal representations of input sequences and maps them onto eye movements is proposed. The reinforcement learning architecture (RLA) of the model learns to perform anticipatory eye movements as observed in a range of infant studies. The model suggests that the goal of maximizing the looking time at interesting stimuli guides infants' looking behavior thereby explaining the occurrence and development of anticipatory eye movements and reaction times. In contrast to classical neural network modelling approaches in the developmental literature, the model uses local learning rules and contains several biologically plausible elements like excitatory and inhibitory spiking neurons, spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP), intrinsic plasticity (IP) and synaptic scaling. It is also novel from the technical point of view as it uses a dynamic recurrent reservoir shaped by various plasticity mechanisms and combines it with reinforcement learning. The model accounts for twelve experimental studies and predicts among others anticipatory behavior for arbitrary sequences and facilitated reacquisition of already learned sequences. All models emphasize the development of the perception of the discussed phenomena thereby addressing the questions of how and why this developmental change takes place - questions that are difficult to be assessed experimentally. Despite the diversity of the discussed phenomena all three projects rely on the same principle: the prediction of future events. This principle suggests that cognitive development in infancy may largely be guided by building internal models and representations of the visual environment and using those models to predict its future development.Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht die Entwicklung früher kognitiver Fähigkeiten im Säuglingsalter mit neuronalen Netzen. Grundlegende Ereignisse in der visuellen Wahrnehmung wie durch Stöße verursachte Bewegung, Verdeckung, Objektpermanenz, Verfolgen bewegter Objekte hinter Verdeckungen, Wahrnehmung von Objekteinheit und das Erlernen von Reizfolgen werden in einem vereinheitlichenden, theoretischen Rahmen modelliert, während die Nähe zu experimentellen Ergebnissen der Entwicklungspsychologie im Säuglingsalter gewahrt wird