10 research outputs found

    Well-posedness for chemotaxis-fluid models in arbitrary dimensions

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    We study the Cauchy problem for the chemotaxis Navier-Stokes equations and the Keller-Segel-Navier-Stokes system. Local-in-time and global-in-time solutions satisfying fundamental properties such as mass conservation and nonnegativity preservation are constructed for low regularity data in 22 and higher dimensions under suitable conditions. Our initial data classes involve a new scale of function space, that is \Y(\rn) which collects divergence of vector-fields with components in the square Campanato space \mathscr{L}_{2,N-2}(\rn), N>2N>2 (and can be identified with the homogeneous Besov space \dot{B}^{-1}_{22}(\rn) when N=2N=2) and are shown to be optimal in a certain sense. Moreover, uniqueness criterion for global solutions is obtained under certain limiting conditions

    Global existence and decay rates to a self-consistent chemotaxis-fluid system

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    In this paper, we investigate a chemotaxis-fluid system involving both the effect of potential force on cells and the effect of chemotactic force on fluid: ∂tn + u · ∇n = ∆n − ∇ · (χ(c)n∇c) + ∇ · (n∇ϕ), ∂tc + u · ∇c = ∆c − nf(c), ∂tu + κ(u · ∇)u + ∇P = ∆u − n∇ϕ + χ(c)n∇c, ∇ · u = 0 in Rd × (0, T) (d = 2, 3). One of the novelties and difficulties here is that the coupling in this model is stronger and more nonlinear than the most-studied chemotaxis-fluid model due to the additional term χ(c)n∇c in the third equation. We will first establish several extensibility criteria of classical solutions, which ensure us to extend the local solutions to global ones in the three dimensional chemotaxis-Stokes case and in the two dimensional chemotaxis-Navier-Stokes version under suitable smallness assumption on ∥c0∥L∞ with the help of a new entropy functional inequality. Some further decay estimates are also obtained under some suitable growth restriction on the potential ∇ϕ at infinity. As a byproduct of the entropy functional inequality, we also establish the global-in-time existence of weak solutions to the three dimensional chemotaxis-Navier-Stokes system. To the best of our knowledge, this seems to be the first work addressing the global well-posedness and decay property of solutions to the Cauchy problem of self-consistent chemotaxis-fluid system

    Global Well-Posedness for the Two-Dimensional Incompressible Chemotaxis-Navier--Stokes Equations

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