2 research outputs found

    Global Optimality in Distributed Low-rank Matrix Factorization

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    We study the convergence of a variant of distributed gradient descent (DGD) on a distributed low-rank matrix approximation problem wherein some optimization variables are used for consensus (as in classical DGD) and some optimization variables appear only locally at a single node in the network. We term the resulting algorithm DGD+LOCAL. Using algorithmic connections to gradient descent and geometric connections to the well-behaved landscape of the centralized low-rank matrix approximation problem, we identify sufficient conditions where DGD+LOCAL is guaranteed to converge with exact consensus to a global minimizer of the original centralized problem. For the distributed low-rank matrix approximation problem, these guarantees are stronger---in terms of consensus and optimality---than what appear in the literature for classical DGD and more general problems

    Provable Bregman-divergence based Methods for Nonconvex and Non-Lipschitz Problems

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    The (global) Lipschitz smoothness condition is crucial in establishing the convergence theory for most optimization methods. Unfortunately, most machine learning and signal processing problems are not Lipschitz smooth. This motivates us to generalize the concept of Lipschitz smoothness condition to the relative smoothness condition, which is satisfied by any finite-order polynomial objective function. Further, this work develops new Bregman-divergence based algorithms that are guaranteed to converge to a second-order stationary point for any relatively smooth problem. In addition, the proposed optimization methods cover both the proximal alternating minimization and the proximal alternating linearized minimization when we specialize the Bregman divergence to the Euclidian distance. Therefore, this work not only develops guaranteed optimization methods for non-Lipschitz smooth problems but also solves an open problem of showing the second-order convergence guarantees for these alternating minimization methods