252 research outputs found

    Error Bounds and Metric Subregularity

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    Necessary and sufficient criteria for metric subregularity (or calmness) of set-valued mappings between general metric or Banach spaces are treated in the framework of the theory of error bounds for a special family of extended real-valued functions of two variables. A classification scheme for the general error bound and metric subregularity criteria is presented. The criteria are formulated in terms of several kinds of primal and subdifferential slopes.Comment: 32 page

    Metric regularity of composition set-valued mappings: metric setting and coderivative conditions

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    The paper concerns a new method to obtain a direct proof of the openness at linear rate/metric regularity of composite set-valued maps on metric spaces by the unification and refinement of several methods developed somehow separately in several works of the authors. In fact, this work is a synthesis and a precise specialization to a general situation of some techniques explored in the last years in the literature. In turn, these techniques are based on several important concepts (like error bounds, lower semicontinuous envelope of a set-valued map, local composition stability of multifunctions) and allow us to obtain two new proofs of a recent result having deep roots in the topic of regularity of mappings. Moreover, we make clear the idea that it is possible to use (co)derivative conditions as tools of proof for openness results in very general situations.Comment: 29 page

    Perturbation of error bounds

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    Our aim in the current article is to extend the developments in Kruger, Ngai & Th\'era, SIAM J. Optim. 20(6), 3280-3296 (2010) and, more precisely, to characterize, in the Banach space setting, the stability of the local and global error bound property of inequalities determined by proper lower semicontinuous under data perturbations. We propose new concepts of (arbitrary, convex and linear) perturbations of the given function defining the system under consideration, which turn out to be a useful tool in our analysis. The characterizations of error bounds for families of perturbations can be interpreted as estimates of the `radius of error bounds'. The definitions and characterizations are illustrated by examples.Comment: 20 page

    Error bound results for convex inequality systems via conjugate duality

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    The aim of this paper is to implement some new techniques, based on conjugate duality in convex optimization, for proving the existence of global error bounds for convex inequality systems. We deal first of all with systems described via one convex inequality and extend the achieved results, by making use of a celebrated scalarization function, to convex inequality systems expressed by means of a general vector function. We also propose a second approach for guaranteeing the existence of global error bounds of the latter, which meanwhile sharpens the classical result of Robinson.Comment: 12 page

    Nonlinear Metric Subregularity

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    In this article, we investigate nonlinear metric subregularity properties of set-valued mappings between general metric or Banach spaces. We demonstrate that these properties can be treated in the framework of the theory of (linear) error bounds for extended real-valued functions of two variables developed in A. Y. Kruger, Error bounds and metric subregularity, Optimization 64, 1 (2015) 49-79. Several primal and dual space local quantitative and qualitative criteria of nonlinear metric subregularity are formulated. The relationships between the criteria are established and illustrated.Comment: 26 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1411.6414, arXiv:1405.113

    BCQ and Strong BCQ for Nonconvex Generalized Equations with Applications to Metric Subregularity

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    In this paper, based on basic constraint qualification (BCQ) and strong BCQ for convex generalized equation, we are inspired to further discuss constraint qualifications of BCQ and strong BCQ for nonconvex generalized equation and then establish their various characterizations. As applications, we use these constraint qualifications to study metric subregularity of nonconvex generalized equation and provide necessary and/or sufficient conditions in terms of constraint qualifications considered herein to ensure nonconvex generalized equation having metric subregularity.Comment: 17 page

    Preconditioned proximal point methods and notions of partial subregularity

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    Based on the needs of convergence proofs of preconditioned proximal point methods, we introduce notions of partial strong submonotonicity and partial (metric) subregularity of set-valued maps. We study relationships between these two concepts, neither of which is generally weaker or stronger than the other one. For our algorithmic purposes, the novel submonotonicity turns out to be easier to employ than more conventional error bounds obtained from subregularity. Using strong submonotonicity, we demonstrate the linear convergence of the Primal-Dual Proximal splitting method to some strictly complementary solutions of example problems from image processing and data science. This is without the conventional assumption that all the objective functions of the involved saddle point problem are strongly convex

    On a strong covering property of multivalued mappings

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    In this paper, a strong variant for multivalued mappings of the well-known property of openness at a linear rate is studied. Among other examples, a simply characterized class of closed convex processes between Banach spaces, which satisfies such a covering behaviour, is singled out. Equivalent reformulations of this property and its stability under Lipschitz perturbations are investigated in a metric space setting. Applications to the solvability of set-valued inclusions and to the exact penalization of optimization problems with set-inclusion constraints are discussed

    Directional H\"older Metric Regularity

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    This paper sheds new light on regularity of multifunctions through various characterizations of directional H\"older /Lipschitz metric regularity, which are based on the concepts of slope and coderivative. By using these characterizations, we show that directional H\"older /Lipschitz metric regularity is stable, when the multifunction under consideration is perturbed suitably. Applications of directional H\"older /Lipschitz metric regularity to investigate the stability and the sensitivity analysis of parameterized optimization problems are also discussed

    Metric Regularity. Theory and Applications - a survey

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    Metric regularity has emerged during last 2-3 decades as one of the central concepts of variational analysis. The roots of this concept go back to a circle of fundamental regularity ideas of classical analysis embodied in such results as the implicit function theorem, Banach open mapping theorem, theorems of Lyusternik and Graves, on the one hand, and the Sard theorem and the Thom-Smale transversality theory, on the other. The three principal themes that are in the focus of attention are: (a) regularity criteria (containing quantitative estimates for rates of regularity) including formal comparisons of their relative power and precision; (b) stability problems relating to the effect of perturbations of the mapping on its regularity properties, on the one hand, and to solutions of equations, inclusions etc. on the other; (c) role of metric regularity in analysis and optimization. All of them are studied at three levels of generality: the general theory for (set-valued) mappings between metric spaces is followed by a detailed study of Banach and finite dimensional theories. There is a number of new results, both theoretical and relating to applications, and some known results are supplied with new, usually simpler, proofs
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