3,043 research outputs found

    Policy Gradient Methods for the Noisy Linear Quadratic Regulator over a Finite Horizon

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    We explore reinforcement learning methods for finding the optimal policy in the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) problem. In particular, we consider the convergence of policy gradient methods in the setting of known and unknown parameters. We are able to produce a global linear convergence guarantee for this approach in the setting of finite time horizon and stochastic state dynamics under weak assumptions. The convergence of a projected policy gradient method is also established in order to handle problems with constraints. We illustrate the performance of the algorithm with two examples. The first example is the optimal liquidation of a holding in an asset. We show results for the case where we assume a model for the underlying dynamics and where we apply the method to the data directly. The empirical evidence suggests that the policy gradient method can learn the global optimal solution for a larger class of stochastic systems containing the LQR framework and that it is more robust with respect to model mis-specification when compared to a model-based approach. The second example is an LQR system in a higher dimensional setting with synthetic data.Comment: 49 pages, 9 figure

    Towards a Theoretical Foundation of Policy Optimization for Learning Control Policies

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    Gradient-based methods have been widely used for system design and optimization in diverse application domains. Recently, there has been a renewed interest in studying theoretical properties of these methods in the context of control and reinforcement learning. This article surveys some of the recent developments on policy optimization, a gradient-based iterative approach for feedback control synthesis, popularized by successes of reinforcement learning. We take an interdisciplinary perspective in our exposition that connects control theory, reinforcement learning, and large-scale optimization. We review a number of recently-developed theoretical results on the optimization landscape, global convergence, and sample complexity of gradient-based methods for various continuous control problems such as the linear quadratic regulator (LQR), H∞\mathcal{H}_\infty control, risk-sensitive control, linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control, and output feedback synthesis. In conjunction with these optimization results, we also discuss how direct policy optimization handles stability and robustness concerns in learning-based control, two main desiderata in control engineering. We conclude the survey by pointing out several challenges and opportunities at the intersection of learning and control.Comment: To Appear in Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous System

    Data-enabled Policy Optimization for the Linear Quadratic Regulator

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    Policy optimization (PO), an essential approach of reinforcement learning for a broad range of system classes, requires significantly more system data than indirect (identification-followed-by-control) methods or behavioral-based direct methods even in the simplest linear quadratic regulator (LQR) problem. In this paper, we take an initial step towards bridging this gap by proposing the data-enabled policy optimization (DeePO) method, which requires only a finite number of sufficiently exciting data to iteratively solve the LQR via PO. Based on a data-driven closed-loop parameterization, we are able to directly compute the policy gradient from a bath of persistently exciting data. Next, we show that the nonconvex PO problem satisfies a projected gradient dominance property by relating it to an equivalent convex program, leading to the global convergence of DeePO. Moreover, we apply regularization methods to enhance certainty-equivalence and robustness of the resulting controller and show an implicit regularization property. Finally, we perform simulations to validate our results.Comment: Submitted to IEEE CDC 202

    Global Convergence of Policy Gradient Primal-dual Methods for Risk-constrained LQRs

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    While the techniques in optimal control theory are often model-based, the policy optimization (PO) approach can directly optimize the performance metric of interest without explicit dynamical models, and is an essential approach for reinforcement learning problems. However, it usually leads to a non-convex optimization problem in most cases, where there is little theoretical understanding on its performance. In this paper, we focus on the risk-constrained Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) problem with noisy input via the PO approach, which results in a challenging non-convex problem. To this end, we first build on our earlier result that the optimal policy has an affine structure to show that the associated Lagrangian function is locally gradient dominated with respect to the policy, based on which we establish strong duality. Then, we design policy gradient primal-dual methods with global convergence guarantees to find an optimal policy-multiplier pair in both model-based and sample-based settings. Finally, we use samples of system trajectories in simulations to validate our policy gradient primal-dual methods
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