4,124 research outputs found

    Self-supervised Spatio-temporal Representation Learning for Videos by Predicting Motion and Appearance Statistics

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    We address the problem of video representation learning without human-annotated labels. While previous efforts address the problem by designing novel self-supervised tasks using video data, the learned features are merely on a frame-by-frame basis, which are not applicable to many video analytic tasks where spatio-temporal features are prevailing. In this paper we propose a novel self-supervised approach to learn spatio-temporal features for video representation. Inspired by the success of two-stream approaches in video classification, we propose to learn visual features by regressing both motion and appearance statistics along spatial and temporal dimensions, given only the input video data. Specifically, we extract statistical concepts (fast-motion region and the corresponding dominant direction, spatio-temporal color diversity, dominant color, etc.) from simple patterns in both spatial and temporal domains. Unlike prior puzzles that are even hard for humans to solve, the proposed approach is consistent with human inherent visual habits and therefore easy to answer. We conduct extensive experiments with C3D to validate the effectiveness of our proposed approach. The experiments show that our approach can significantly improve the performance of C3D when applied to video classification tasks. Code is available at https://github.com/laura-wang/video_repres_mas.Comment: CVPR 201

    A critical analysis of self-supervision, or what we can learn from a single image

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    We look critically at popular self-supervision techniques for learning deep convolutional neural networks without manual labels. We show that three different and representative methods, BiGAN, RotNet and DeepCluster, can learn the first few layers of a convolutional network from a single image as well as using millions of images and manual labels, provided that strong data augmentation is used. However, for deeper layers the gap with manual supervision cannot be closed even if millions of unlabelled images are used for training. We conclude that: (1) the weights of the early layers of deep networks contain limited information about the statistics of natural images, that (2) such low-level statistics can be learned through self-supervision just as well as through strong supervision, and that (3) the low-level statistics can be captured via synthetic transformations instead of using a large image dataset.Comment: Accepted paper at the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 202

    Self-supervised learning of a facial attribute embedding from video

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    We propose a self-supervised framework for learning facial attributes by simply watching videos of a human face speaking, laughing, and moving over time. To perform this task, we introduce a network, Facial Attributes-Net (FAb-Net), that is trained to embed multiple frames from the same video face-track into a common low-dimensional space. With this approach, we make three contributions: first, we show that the network can leverage information from multiple source frames by predicting confidence/attention masks for each frame; second, we demonstrate that using a curriculum learning regime improves the learned embedding; finally, we demonstrate that the network learns a meaningful face embedding that encodes information about head pose, facial landmarks and facial expression, i.e. facial attributes, without having been supervised with any labelled data. We are comparable or superior to state-of-the-art self-supervised methods on these tasks and approach the performance of supervised methods.Comment: To appear in BMVC 2018. Supplementary material can be found at http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/research/unsup_learn_watch_faces/fabnet.htm

    Cross Pixel Optical Flow Similarity for Self-Supervised Learning

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    We propose a novel method for learning convolutional neural image representations without manual supervision. We use motion cues in the form of optical flow, to supervise representations of static images. The obvious approach of training a network to predict flow from a single image can be needlessly difficult due to intrinsic ambiguities in this prediction task. We instead propose a much simpler learning goal: embed pixels such that the similarity between their embeddings matches that between their optical flow vectors. At test time, the learned deep network can be used without access to video or flow information and transferred to tasks such as image classification, detection, and segmentation. Our method, which significantly simplifies previous attempts at using motion for self-supervision, achieves state-of-the-art results in self-supervision using motion cues, competitive results for self-supervision in general, and is overall state of the art in self-supervised pretraining for semantic image segmentation, as demonstrated on standard benchmarks
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