331 research outputs found

    Subdivision Surface based One-Piece Representation

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    Subdivision surfaces are capable of modeling and representing complex shapes of arbi-trary topology. However, methods on how to build the control mesh of a complex surfaceare not studied much. Currently, most meshes of complicated objects come from trian-gulation and simplification of raster scanned data points, like the Stanford 3D ScanningRepository. This approach is costly and leads to very dense meshes.Subdivision surface based one-piece representation means to represent the final objectin a design process with only one subdivision surface, no matter how complicated theobject\u27s topology or shape. Hence the number of parts in the final representation isalways one.In this dissertation we present necessary mathematical theories and geometric algo-rithms to support subdivision surface based one-piece representation. First, an explicitparametrization method is presented for exact evaluation of Catmull-Clark subdivisionsurfaces. Based on it, two approaches are proposed for constructing the one-piece rep-resentation of a given object with arbitrary topology. One approach is to construct theone-piece representation by using the interpolation technique. Interpolation is a naturalway to build models, but the fairness of the interpolating surface is a big concern inprevious methods. With similarity based interpolation technique, we can obtain bet-ter modeling results with less undesired artifacts and undulations. Another approachis through performing Boolean operations. Up to this point, accurate Boolean oper-ations over subdivision surfaces are not approached yet in the literature. We presenta robust and error controllable Boolean operation method which results in a one-piecerepresentation. Because one-piece representations resulting from the above two methodsare usually dense, error controllable simplification of one-piece representations is needed.Two methods are presented for this purpose: adaptive tessellation and multiresolutionanalysis. Both methods can significantly reduce the complexity of a one-piece represen-tation and while having accurate error estimation.A system that performs subdivision surface based one-piece representation was im-plemented and a lot of examples have been tested. All the examples show that our ap-proaches can obtain very good subdivision based one-piece representation results. Eventhough our methods are based on Catmull-Clark subdivision scheme, we believe they canbe adapted to other subdivision schemes as well with small modifications

    Multiresolution editing for B-spline curves and surfaces

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    Since 1980 surface modeling has been used in industrial design, CAD and entertainment to create and represent complex forms. Even with this comparatively long history of development, challenges remain in free-form surface modeling. One such challenge is building surface creation and editing techniques that effectively balance the need for local control with the need to control the overall global shape, or sweep of the surface. This dissertation presents a multiresolution approach to the creation of surfaces that allows a designer to more easily manage this balance between local and global control. The techniques presented in this dissertation utilize a wavelet decomposition of B-spline curves and surfaces to allow a designer to easily develop the basic shape using lower level representations, and then seamlessly switch to higher level representations to achieve fine control over local features. The algorithms described in the dissertation are implemented in an interactive software system that is used to demonstrate their effectiveness in comparison to existing methods

    Shape optimisation with multiresolution subdivision surfaces and immersed finite elements

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    We develop a new optimisation technique that combines multiresolution subdivision surfaces for boundary description with immersed finite elements for the discretisation of the primal and adjoint problems of optimisation. Similar to wavelets multiresolution surfaces represent the domain boundary using a coarse control mesh and a sequence of detail vectors. Based on the multiresolution decomposition efficient and fast algorithms are available for reconstructing control meshes of varying fineness. During shape optimisation the vertex coordinates of control meshes are updated using the computed shape gradient information. By virtue of the multiresolution editing semantics, updating the coarse control mesh vertex coordinates leads to large-scale geometry changes and, conversely, updating the fine control mesh coordinates leads to small-scale geometry changes. In our computations we start by optimising the coarsest control mesh and refine it each time the cost function reaches a minimum. This approach effectively prevents the appearance of non-physical boundary geometry oscillations and control mesh pathologies, like inverted elements. Independent of the fineness of the control mesh used for optimisation, on the immersed finite element grid the domain boundary is always represented with a relatively fine control mesh of fixed resolution. With the immersed finite element method there is no need to maintain an analysis suitable domain mesh. In some of the presented two- and three-dimensional elasticity examples the topology derivative is used for creating new holes inside the domain.The partial support of the EPSRC through grant # EP/G008531/1 and EC through Marie Curie Actions (IAPP) program CASOPT project are gratefully acknowledged.This is the final version of the article. It was first available from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2015.11.01

    Feasible Form Parameter Design of Complex Ship Hull Form Geometry

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    This thesis introduces a new methodology for robust form parameter design of complex hull form geometry via constraint programming, automatic differentiation, interval arithmetic, and truncated hierarchical B- splines. To date, there has been no clearly stated methodology for assuring consistency of general (equality and inequality) constraints across an entire geometric form parameter ship hull design space. In contrast, the method to be given here can be used to produce guaranteed narrowing of the design space, such that infeasible portions are eliminated. Furthermore, we can guarantee that any set of form parameters generated by our method will be self consistent. It is for this reason that we use the title feasible form parameter design. In form parameter design, a design space is represented by a tuple of design parameters which are extended in each design space dimension. In this representation, a single feasible design is a consistent set of real valued parameters, one for every component of the design space tuple. Using the methodology to be given here, we pick out designs which consist of consistent parameters, narrowed to any desired precision up to that of the machine, even for equality constraints. Furthermore, the method is developed to enable the generation of complex hull forms using an extension of the basic rules idea to allow for automated generation of rules networks, plus the use of the truncated hierarchical B-splines, a wavelet-adaptive extension of standard B-splines and hierarchical B-splines. The adaptive resolution methods are employed in order to allow an automated program the freedom to generate complex B-spline representations of the geometry in a robust manner across multiple levels of detail. Thus two complementary objectives are pursued: ensuring feasible starting sets of form parameters, and enabling the generation of complex hull form geometry

    Wavelets in computer graphics

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    A code for surface modeling and grid generation coupled to a panel method for aerodynamic configuration design

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    An integrated platform has been developed which features a geometric, a grid generation and an aerodynamic analysis module. The main intent is to execute a quick though reliable preliminary aerodynamic analysis on a generic complex aerodynamic configuration and, at the same time, provide a mean of exporting the defined geometry or grid to leading CAE/CAD, meshing and analysis softwares, for deep detail modifications or more accurate, although time consuming, analysis. In the geometric module, the process of shape definition is easily and intuitively achieved with the aid of specific features and tools. The geometric description relies on NURBS, a flexible, accurate and efficient parametric form. Once the configuration has been defined, the user is ready to move on the grid generation module, or to export it to IGES standard format in order to use CAE/CAD, meshing or aerodynamic analysis programs. The grid generation module is capable to build structured or unstructured meshes. Both of the processes are automatized, even if the user can easily set and control grid parameters. The structured grid generator is oriented to LaWGS description standard, while the unstructured grid can be exported to different formats. The user is now ready to launch Pan Air, a panel method, as the aerodynamic solver. The preprocessor and postprocessor aid to the definition of the flow parameters and to the graphical visualization of the results. One of the strength of this code is the user friendly GUI organization of each module: the user is aided throughout all the steps. Besides this, every module relies on fast computational algorithms to speed up the overall process. For all these reasons, this code has a natural lean to be used in pair with an optimization tool

    Generalized Debye Sources Based EFIE Solver on Subdivision Surfaces

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    The electric field integral equation is a well known workhorse for obtaining fields scattered by a perfect electric conducting (PEC) object. As a result, the nuances and challenges of solving this equation have been examined for a while. Two recent papers motivate the effort presented in this paper. Unlike traditional work that uses equivalent currents defined on surfaces, recent research proposes a technique that results in well conditioned systems by employing generalized Debye sources (GDS) as unknowns. In a complementary effort, some of us developed a method that exploits the same representation for both the geometry (subdivision surface representations) and functions defined on the geometry, also known as isogeometric analysis (IGA). The challenge in generalizing GDS method to a discretized geometry is the complexity of the intermediate operators. However, thanks to our earlier work on subdivision surfaces, the additional smoothness of geometric representation permits discretizing these intermediate operations. In this paper, we employ both ideas to present a well conditioned GDS-EFIE. Here, the intermediate surface Laplacian is well discretized by using subdivision basis. Likewise, using subdivision basis to represent the sources, results in an efficient and accurate IGA framework. Numerous results are presented to demonstrate the efficacy of the approach

    Quad Meshing

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    Triangle meshes have been nearly ubiquitous in computer graphics, and a large body of data structures and geometry processing algorithms based on them has been developed in the literature. At the same time, quadrilateral meshes, especially semi-regular ones, have advantages for many applications, and significant progress was made in quadrilateral mesh generation and processing during the last several years. In this State of the Art Report, we discuss the advantages and problems of techniques operating on quadrilateral meshes, including surface analysis and mesh quality, simplification, adaptive refinement, alignment with features, parametrization, and remeshing
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