5,114 research outputs found

    An ontology-based approach towards coupling task and path planning for the simulation of manipulation tasks

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    This work deals with the simulation and the validation of complex manipulation tasks under strong geometric constraints in virtual environments. The targeted applications relate to the industry 4.0 framework; as up-to-date products are more and more integrated and the economic competition increases, industrial companies express the need to validate, from design stage on, not only the static CAD models of their products but also the tasks (e.g., assembly or maintenance) related to their Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). The scientific community looked at this issue from two points of view: - Task planning decomposes a manipulation task to be realized into a sequence of primitive actions (i.e., a task plan) - Path planning computes collision-free trajectories, notably for the manipulated objects. It traditionally uses purely geometric data, which leads to classical limitations (possible high computational processing times, low relevance of the proposed trajectory concerning the task to be performed, or failure); recent works have shown the interest of using higher abstraction level data. Joint task and path planning approaches found in the literature usually perform a classical task planning step, and then check out the feasibility of path planning requests associated with the primitive actions of this task plan. The link between task and path planning has to be improved, notably because of the lack of loopback between the path planning level and the task planning level: - The path planning information used to question the task plan is usually limited to the motion feasibility where richer information such as the relevance or the complexity of the proposed path would be needed; - path planning queries traditionally use purely geometric data and/or “blind” path planning methods (e.g., RRT), and no task-related information is used at the path planning level Our work focuses on using task level information at the path planning level. The path planning algorithm considered is RRT; we chose such a probabilistic algorithm because we consider path planning for the simulation and the validation of complex tasks under strong geometric constraints. We propose an ontology-based approach to use task level information to specify path planning queries for the primitive actions of a task plan. First, we propose an ontology to conceptualize the knowledge about the 3D environment in which the simulated task takes place. The environment where the simulated task takes place is considered as a closed part of 3D Cartesian space cluttered with mobile/fixed obstacles (considered as rigid bodies). It is represented by a digital model relying on a multilayer architecture involving semantic, topologic and geometric data. The originality of the proposed ontology lies in the fact that it conceptualizes heterogeneous knowledge about both the obstacles and the free space models. Second, we exploit this ontology to automatically generate a path planning query associated to each given primitive action of a task plan. Through a reasoning process involving the primitive actions instantiated in the ontology, we are able to infer the start and the goal configurations, as well as task-related geometric constraints. Finally, a multi-level path planner is called to generate the corresponding trajectory. The contributions of this work have been validated by full simulation of several manipulation tasks under strong geometric constraints. The results obtained demonstrate that using task-related information allows better control on the RRT path planning algorithm involved to check the motion feasibility for the primitive actions of a task plan, leading to lower computational time and more relevant trajectories for primitive actions

    Data-Driven Shape Analysis and Processing

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    Data-driven methods play an increasingly important role in discovering geometric, structural, and semantic relationships between 3D shapes in collections, and applying this analysis to support intelligent modeling, editing, and visualization of geometric data. In contrast to traditional approaches, a key feature of data-driven approaches is that they aggregate information from a collection of shapes to improve the analysis and processing of individual shapes. In addition, they are able to learn models that reason about properties and relationships of shapes without relying on hard-coded rules or explicitly programmed instructions. We provide an overview of the main concepts and components of these techniques, and discuss their application to shape classification, segmentation, matching, reconstruction, modeling and exploration, as well as scene analysis and synthesis, through reviewing the literature and relating the existing works with both qualitative and numerical comparisons. We conclude our report with ideas that can inspire future research in data-driven shape analysis and processing.Comment: 10 pages, 19 figure

    Towards a Domain Specific Language for a Scene Graph based Robotic World Model

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    Robot world model representations are a vital part of robotic applications. However, there is no support for such representations in model-driven engineering tool chains. This work proposes a novel Domain Specific Language (DSL) for robotic world models that are based on the Robot Scene Graph (RSG) approach. The RSG-DSL can express (a) application specific scene configurations, (b) semantic scene structures and (c) inputs and outputs for the computational entities that are loaded into an instance of a world model.Comment: Presented at DSLRob 2013 (arXiv:cs/1312.5952

    Physics-based Motion Planning with Temporal Logic Specifications

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    One of the main foci of robotics is nowadays centered in providing a great degree of autonomy to robots. A fundamental step in this direction is to give them the ability to plan in discrete and continuous spaces to find the required motions to complete a complex task. In this line, some recent approaches describe tasks with Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) and reason on discrete actions to guide sampling-based motion planning, with the aim of finding dynamically-feasible motions that satisfy the temporal-logic task specifications. The present paper proposes an LTL planning approach enhanced with the use of ontologies to describe and reason about the task, on the one hand, and that includes physics-based motion planning to allow the purposeful manipulation of objects, on the other hand. The proposal has been implemented and is illustrated with didactic examples with a mobile robot in simple scenarios where some of the goals are occupied with objects that must be removed in order to fulfill the task.Comment: The 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, 9-14 July 201

    Multi-layer path planning control for the simulation of manipulation tasks : involving semantics and topology

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    The industrial and research communities show increasing interest in using automatic path planning techniques for the simulation of manipulation tasks. Automatic path planning, largely explored by the robotics community over the past 30 years, computes the trajectories of robots or manipulated parts. However, as techniques developed so far use mostly purely (and large) geometric models, they may fail, produce a trajectory of little relevance, or lead to very high computation times, when facing complex or very constrained environments. Involving higher abstraction level information should lead to better relevance of the simulation. In this paper, we propose a novel path planning technique relying on an original multi-layer environment model containing geometrical, topological and semantic layers. A first coarse planning step at the topological and semantic layers and a fine planning step at the local and semantically characterized geometrical layer form the path planning process. Experimental full-scale results show increased control on the planning process, leading to much lower computation times and increased relevance of the computed trajectory
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