18 research outputs found

    Unified lower bounds for interactive high-dimensional estimation under information constraints

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    We consider the task of distributed parameter estimation using interactive protocols subject to local information constraints such as bandwidth limitations, local differential privacy, and restricted measurements. We provide a unified framework enabling us to derive a variety of (tight) minimax lower bounds for different parametric families of distributions, both continuous and discrete, under any â„“p\ell_p loss. Our lower bound framework is versatile and yields "plug-and-play" bounds that are widely applicable to a large range of estimation problems. In particular, our approach recovers bounds obtained using data processing inequalities and Cram\'er--Rao bounds, two other alternative approaches for proving lower bounds in our setting of interest. Further, for the families considered, we complement our lower bounds with matching upper bounds.Comment: Significant improvements: handle sparse parameter estimation, simplify and generalize argument

    Mean Estimation from One-Bit Measurements

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    We consider the problem of estimating the mean of a symmetric log-concave distribution under the constraint that only a single bit per sample from this distribution is available to the estimator. We study the mean squared error as a function of the sample size (and hence the number of bits). We consider three settings: first, a centralized setting, where an encoder may release nn bits given a sample of size nn, and for which there is no asymptotic penalty for quantization; second, an adaptive setting in which each bit is a function of the current observation and previously recorded bits, where we show that the optimal relative efficiency compared to the sample mean is precisely the efficiency of the median; lastly, we show that in a distributed setting where each bit is only a function of a local sample, no estimator can achieve optimal efficiency uniformly over the parameter space. We additionally complement our results in the adaptive setting by showing that \emph{one} round of adaptivity is sufficient to achieve optimal mean-square error