45,064 research outputs found

    ST-GAN: Spatial Transformer Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Compositing

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    We address the problem of finding realistic geometric corrections to a foreground object such that it appears natural when composited into a background image. To achieve this, we propose a novel Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) architecture that utilizes Spatial Transformer Networks (STNs) as the generator, which we call Spatial Transformer GANs (ST-GANs). ST-GANs seek image realism by operating in the geometric warp parameter space. In particular, we exploit an iterative STN warping scheme and propose a sequential training strategy that achieves better results compared to naive training of a single generator. One of the key advantages of ST-GAN is its applicability to high-resolution images indirectly since the predicted warp parameters are transferable between reference frames. We demonstrate our approach in two applications: (1) visualizing how indoor furniture (e.g. from product images) might be perceived in a room, (2) hallucinating how accessories like glasses would look when matched with real portraits.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 2018 (website & code: https://chenhsuanlin.bitbucket.io/spatial-transformer-GAN/

    GAGAN: Geometry-Aware Generative Adversarial Networks

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    Deep generative models learned through adversarial training have become increasingly popular for their ability to generate naturalistic image textures. However, aside from their texture, the visual appearance of objects is significantly influenced by their shape geometry; information which is not taken into account by existing generative models. This paper introduces the Geometry-Aware Generative Adversarial Networks (GAGAN) for incorporating geometric information into the image generation process. Specifically, in GAGAN the generator samples latent variables from the probability space of a statistical shape model. By mapping the output of the generator to a canonical coordinate frame through a differentiable geometric transformation, we enforce the geometry of the objects and add an implicit connection from the prior to the generated object. Experimental results on face generation indicate that the GAGAN can generate realistic images of faces with arbitrary facial attributes such as facial expression, pose, and morphology, that are of better quality than current GAN-based methods. Our method can be used to augment any existing GAN architecture and improve the quality of the images generated

    Global versus Localized Generative Adversarial Nets

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    In this paper, we present a novel localized Generative Adversarial Net (GAN) to learn on the manifold of real data. Compared with the classic GAN that {\em globally} parameterizes a manifold, the Localized GAN (LGAN) uses local coordinate charts to parameterize distinct local geometry of how data points can transform at different locations on the manifold. Specifically, around each point there exists a {\em local} generator that can produce data following diverse patterns of transformations on the manifold. The locality nature of LGAN enables local generators to adapt to and directly access the local geometry without need to invert the generator in a global GAN. Furthermore, it can prevent the manifold from being locally collapsed to a dimensionally deficient tangent subspace by imposing an orthonormality prior between tangents. This provides a geometric approach to alleviating mode collapse at least locally on the manifold by imposing independence between data transformations in different tangent directions. We will also demonstrate the LGAN can be applied to train a robust classifier that prefers locally consistent classification decisions on the manifold, and the resultant regularizer is closely related with the Laplace-Beltrami operator. Our experiments show that the proposed LGANs can not only produce diverse image transformations, but also deliver superior classification performances
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