6 research outputs found

    The Quasinormal Mode Spectrum of a Kerr Black Hole in the Eikonal Limit

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    It is well established that the response of a black hole to a generic perturbation is characterized by a spectrum of damped resonances, called quasinormal modes; and that, in the limit of large angular momentum (l≫1l \gg 1), the quasinormal mode frequency spectrum is related to the properties of unstable null orbits. In this paper we develop an expansion method to explore the link. We obtain new closed-form approximations for the lightly-damped part of the spectrum in the large-ll regime. We confirm that, at leading order in ll, the resonance frequency is linked to the orbital frequency, and the resonance damping to the Lyapunov exponent, of the relevant null orbit. We go somewhat further than previous studies to establish (i) a spin-dependent correction to the frequency at order 1/l1 / l for equatorial (m=±lm = \pm l) modes, and (ii) a new result for polar modes (m=0m = 0). We validate the approach by testing the closed-form approximations against frequencies obtained numerically with Leaver's method.Comment: 18 pages, 3 tables, 3 figure

    On the stability and deformability of top stars

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    Topological stars, or top stars for brevity, are smooth horizonless static solutions of Einstein-Maxwell theory in 5-d that reduce to spherically symmetric solutions of Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton theory in 4-d. We study linear scalar perturbations of top stars and argue for their stability and deformability. We tackle the problem with different techniques including WKB approximation, numerical analysis, Breit-Wigner resonance method and quantum Seiberg-Witten curves. We identify three classes of quasi-normal modes corresponding to prompt-ring down modes, long-lived meta-stable modes and what we dub `blind' modes. All mode frequencies we find have negative imaginary parts, thus suggesting linear stability of top stars. Moreover we determine the tidal Love and dissipation numbers encoding the response to tidal deformations and, similarly to black holes, we find zero value in the static limit but, contrary to black holes, we find non-trivial dynamical Love numbers and vanishing dissipative effects at linear order. For the sake of illustration in a simpler context, we also consider a toy model with a piece-wise constant potential and a centrifugal barrier that captures most of the above features in a qualitative fashion

    ABSTRACT The Video “Geodesics and Waves”

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    The video Geodesics and Waves introduces the concepts of straightest geodesics and geodesic flow on polyhedral surfaces. It is the third in a series of videos presenting research results from the area of mathematics and visualization produced at th