436 research outputs found

    Inner and Inter Label Propagation: Salient Object Detection in the Wild

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    In this paper, we propose a novel label propagation based method for saliency detection. A key observation is that saliency in an image can be estimated by propagating the labels extracted from the most certain background and object regions. For most natural images, some boundary superpixels serve as the background labels and the saliency of other superpixels are determined by ranking their similarities to the boundary labels based on an inner propagation scheme. For images of complex scenes, we further deploy a 3-cue-center-biased objectness measure to pick out and propagate foreground labels. A co-transduction algorithm is devised to fuse both boundary and objectness labels based on an inter propagation scheme. The compactness criterion decides whether the incorporation of objectness labels is necessary, thus greatly enhancing computational efficiency. Results on five benchmark datasets with pixel-wise accurate annotations show that the proposed method achieves superior performance compared with the newest state-of-the-arts in terms of different evaluation metrics.Comment: The full version of the TIP 2015 publicatio

    Deep Contrast Learning for Salient Object Detection

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    Salient object detection has recently witnessed substantial progress due to powerful features extracted using deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However, existing CNN-based methods operate at the patch level instead of the pixel level. Resulting saliency maps are typically blurry, especially near the boundary of salient objects. Furthermore, image patches are treated as independent samples even when they are overlapping, giving rise to significant redundancy in computation and storage. In this CVPR 2016 paper, we propose an end-to-end deep contrast network to overcome the aforementioned limitations. Our deep network consists of two complementary components, a pixel-level fully convolutional stream and a segment-wise spatial pooling stream. The first stream directly produces a saliency map with pixel-level accuracy from an input image. The second stream extracts segment-wise features very efficiently, and better models saliency discontinuities along object boundaries. Finally, a fully connected CRF model can be optionally incorporated to improve spatial coherence and contour localization in the fused result from these two streams. Experimental results demonstrate that our deep model significantly improves the state of the art.Comment: To appear in CVPR 201

    Salient Object Detection Based on Background Feature Clustering

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    Automatic estimation of salient object without any prior knowledge tends to greatly enhance many computer vision tasks. This paper proposes a novel bottom-up based framework for salient object detection by first modeling background and then separating salient objects from background. We model the background distribution based on feature clustering algorithm, which allows for fully exploiting statistical and structural information of the background. Then a coarse saliency map is generated according to the background distribution. To be more discriminative, the coarse saliency map is enhanced by a two-step refinement which is composed of edge-preserving element-level filtering and upsampling based on geodesic distance. We provide an extensive evaluation and show that our proposed method performs favorably against other outstanding methods on two most commonly used datasets. Most importantly, the proposed approach is demonstrated to be more effective in highlighting the salient object uniformly and robust to background noise
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