2,001 research outputs found

    Dynamic Facial Expression Generation on Hilbert Hypersphere with Conditional Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Nets

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    In this work, we propose a novel approach for generating videos of the six basic facial expressions given a neutral face image. We propose to exploit the face geometry by modeling the facial landmarks motion as curves encoded as points on a hypersphere. By proposing a conditional version of manifold-valued Wasserstein generative adversarial network (GAN) for motion generation on the hypersphere, we learn the distribution of facial expression dynamics of different classes, from which we synthesize new facial expression motions. The resulting motions can be transformed to sequences of landmarks and then to images sequences by editing the texture information using another conditional Generative Adversarial Network. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that explores manifold-valued representations with GAN to address the problem of dynamic facial expression generation. We evaluate our proposed approach both quantitatively and qualitatively on two public datasets; Oulu-CASIA and MUG Facial Expression. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in generating realistic videos with continuous motion, realistic appearance and identity preservation. We also show the efficiency of our framework for dynamic facial expressions generation, dynamic facial expression transfer and data augmentation for training improved emotion recognition models

    Spherical clustering of users navigating 360{\deg} content

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    In Virtual Reality (VR) applications, understanding how users explore the omnidirectional content is important to optimize content creation, to develop user-centric services, or even to detect disorders in medical applications. Clustering users based on their common navigation patterns is a first direction to understand users behaviour. However, classical clustering techniques fail in identifying these common paths, since they are usually focused on minimizing a simple distance metric. In this paper, we argue that minimizing the distance metric does not necessarily guarantee to identify users that experience similar navigation path in the VR domain. Therefore, we propose a graph-based method to identify clusters of users who are attending the same portion of the spherical content over time. The proposed solution takes into account the spherical geometry of the content and aims at clustering users based on the actual overlap of displayed content among users. Our method is tested on real VR user navigation patterns. Results show that our solution leads to clusters in which at least 85% of the content displayed by one user is shared among the other users belonging to the same cluster.Comment: 5 pages, conference (Published in: ICASSP 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
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