225 research outputs found

    Fast and efficient energy-oriented cell assignment in heterogeneous networks

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    The cell assignment problem is combinatorial, with increased complexity when it is tackled considering resource allocation. This paper models joint cell assignment and resource allocation for cellular heterogeneous networks, and formalizes cell assignment as an optimization problem. Exact algorithms can find optimal solutions to the cell assignment problem, but their execution time increases drastically with realistic network deployments. In turn, heuristics are able to find solutions in reasonable execution times, but they get usually stuck in local optima, thus failing to find optimal solutions. Metaheuristic approaches have been successful in finding solutions closer to the optimum one to combinatorial problems for large instances. In this paper we propose a fast and efficient heuristic that yields very competitive cell assignment solutions compared to those obtained with three of the most widely-used metaheuristics, which are known to find solutions close to the optimum due to the nature of their search space exploration. Our heuristic approach adds energy expenditure reduction in its algorithmic design. Through simulation and formal statistical analysis, the proposed scheme has been proved to produce efficient assignments in terms of the number of served users, resource allocation and energy savings, while being an order of magnitude faster than metaheuritsic-based approaches.This paper has been supported by the National Council of Research and Technology (CONACYT) through Grant FONCICYT/272278 and the ERANetLAC (Network of the European Union, Latin America, and the Caribbean Countries) Project ELAC2015/T100761. This paper is partially supported also by the ADVICE Project, TEC2015-71329 (MINECO/FEDER) and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 777067 (NECOS Project)

    A Genetic Algorithm-based Beamforming Approach for Delay-constrained Networks

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    In this paper, we study the performance of initial access beamforming schemes in the cases with large but finite number of transmit antennas and users. Particularly, we develop an efficient beamforming scheme using genetic algorithms. Moreover, taking the millimeter wave communication characteristics and different metrics into account, we investigate the effect of various parameters such as number of antennas/receivers, beamforming resolution as well as hardware impairments on the system performance. As shown, our proposed algorithm is generic in the sense that it can be effectively applied with different channel models, metrics and beamforming methods. Also, our results indicate that the proposed scheme can reach (almost) the same end-to-end throughput as the exhaustive search-based optimal approach with considerably less implementation complexity

    Open Cell-less Network Architecture and Radio Resource Management for Future Wireless Communication Systems

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    In recent times, the immense growth of wireless traffic data generated from massive mobile devices, services, and applications results in an ever-increasing demand for huge bandwidth and very low latency, with the future networks going in the direction of achieving extreme system capacity and ultra reliable low latency communication (URLLC). Several consortia comprising major international mobile operators, infrastructure manufacturers, and academic institutions are working to develop and evolve the current generation of wireless communication systems, i.e., fifth generation (5G) towards a sixth generation (6G) to support improved data rates, reliability, and latency. Existing 5G networks are facing the latency challenges in a high-density and high-load scenario for an URLLC network which may coexist with enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) services. At the same time, the evolution of mobile communications faces the important challenge of increased network power consumption. Thus, energy efficient solutions are expected to be deployed in the network in order to reduce power consumption while fulfilling user demands for various user densities. Moreover, the network architecture should be dynamic according to the new use cases and applications. Also, there are network migration challenges for the multi-architecture coexistence networks. Recently, the open radio access network (O-RAN) alliance was formed to evolve RANs with its core principles being intelligence and openness. It aims to drive the mobile industry towards an ecosystem of innovative, multi-vendor, interoperable, and autonomous RAN, with reduced cost, improved performance and greater agility. However, this is not standardized yet and still lacks interoperability. On the other hand, the cell-less radio access network (RAN) was introduced to boost the system performance required for the new services. However, the concept of cell-less RAN is still under consideration from the deployment point of view with the legacy cellular networks. The virtualization, centralization and cooperative communication which enables the cell-less RAN can further benefit from O-RAN based architecture. This thesis addresses the research challenges facing 5G and beyond networks towards 6G networks in regard to new architectures, spectral efficiency, latency, and energy efficiency. Different system models are stated according to the problem and several solution schemes are proposed and developed to overcome these challenges. This thesis contributes as follows. Firstly, the cell-less technology is proposed to be implemented through an Open RAN architecture, which could be supervised with the near real-time RAN intelligent controller (near-RT-RIC). The cooperation is enabled for intelligent and smart resource allocation for the entire RAN. Secondly, an efficient radio resource optimization mechanism is proposed for the cell-less architecture to improve the system capacity of the future 6G networks. Thirdly, an optimized and novel resource scheduling scheme is presented that reduces latency for the URLLC users in an efficient resource utilization manner to support scenarios with high user density. At the same time, this radio resource management (RRM) scheme, while minimizing the latency, also overcomes another important challenge of eMBB users, namely the throughput of those who coexist in such a highly loaded scenario with URLLC users. Fourthly, a novel energy-efficiency enhancement scheme, i.e., (3 × E) is designed to increase the transmission rate per energy unit, with stable performance within the cell-less RAN architecture. Our proposed (3 × E) scheme activates two-step sleep modes (i.e., certain phase and conditional phase) through the intelligent interference management for temporarily switching access points (APs) to sleep, optimizing the network energy efficiency (EE) in highly loaded scenarios, as well as in scenarios with lower load. Finally, a multi-architecture coexistence (MACO) network model is proposed to enable inter-connection of different architectures through coexistence and cooperation logical switches in order to enable smooth deployment of a cell-less architecture within the legacy networks. The research presented in this thesis therefore contributes new knowledge in the cellless RAN architecture domain of the future generation wireless networks and makes important contributions to this field by investigating different system models and proposing solutions to significant issues.Programa de Doctorado en Multimedia y Comunicaciones por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y la Universidad Rey Juan CarlosPresidenta: Matilde Pilar Sánchez Fernández.- Secretario: Alberto Álvarez Polegre.- Vocal: José Francisco Monserrat del Rí

    Cooperative Transmission for Downlink Distributed Antenna in Time Division Duplex System

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    Multi-user distributed antenna system (MU-DAS) systems play the essential role in improving throughput performance in wireless communications. This improvement can be achieved by exploiting the spatial domain and without the need of additional power and bandwidth. In this thesis, three main issues which are of importance to the data rate transmission have been investigated. Firstly, user clustering in MU-DAS downlink systems has been considered, where this technique can be effciently used to reduce the complexity and cost caused by radio frequency chains, associated with antennas while keeping most of the diversity advantages of the system. The proposed user clustering algorithm which can select an optimal set of antennas for transmission. The capacity achieved by the proposed algorithm is almost same as the capacity of the optimum search method, with much lower complexity. Secondly, interference alignment in MU-DAS downlink systems has been studied. The inter-cluster interference is uncoordinated and limits the system performance. The inter-cluster interference should be eliminated or minimized carefully. The interference alignment is proposed to consolidate the strong inter-cluster interference into smaller dimensions of signal space at each user and use the remaining dimensions to transmit the desired signals without any interference. The performance of single cluster is better than the proposed algorithm due to the absence of intercluster interference in the single cluster. The numerical shows that the proposed algorithm is more suitable in multi-cell DAS environment due to the presence of inter-cell interference. Finally, the impact of different user mobility on TDD downlink MUDAS has been studied. The downlink data transmission in time division duplex (TDD) systems is optimized according to the channel state information (CSI) which is obtained at the uplink time slot. However, the actual channel at downlink time slot may be different from the estimated channel due to channel variation in mobility environment. Based on mobility state information (MSI), an autocorrelation based feedback interval adjustment technique is proposed. The proposed technique adjusts the CSI update interval and mitigates the performance degradation imposed by the user mobility and the transmission delay. Cooperative clusters are formed to maximize sum rate. In order to reduce the computational complexity, a channel gain based antenna selection and signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (SINR) based user clustering are developed. A downlink ergodic capacity is derived in single user clustering. The derived analytical expressions of the downlink ergodic capacity are verified by system simulations. Numerical results show that the proposed scheme can improved sum rate over the non cooperative system and no MSI knowledge. The proposed technique has good performance for a wide range of user speed and suitable for future wireless communications systems

    The electronically steerable parasitic array radiator antenna for wireless communications : signal processing and emerging techniques

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    Smart antenna technology is expected to play an important role in future wireless communication networks in order to use the spectrum efficiently, improve the quality of service, reduce the costs of establishing new wireless paradigms and reduce the energy consumption in wireless networks. Generally, smart antennas exploit multiple widely spaced active elements, which are connected to separate radio frequency (RF) chains. Therefore, they are only applicable to base stations (BSs) and access points, by contrast with modern compact wireless terminals with constraints on size, power and complexity. This dissertation considers an alternative smart antenna system the electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) which uses only a single RF chain, coupled with multiple parasitic elements. The ESPAR antenna is of significant interest because of its flexibility in beamforming by tuning a number of easy-to-implement reactance loads connected to parasitic elements; however, parasitic elements require no expensive RF circuits. This work concentrates on the study of the ESPAR antenna for compact transceivers in order to achieve some emerging techniques in wireless communications. The work begins by presenting the work principle and modeling of the ESPAR antenna and describes the reactance-domain signal processing that is suited to the single active antenna array, which are fundamental factors throughout this thesis. The major contribution in this chapter is the adaptive beamforming method based on the ESPAR antenna. In order to achieve fast convergent beamforming for the ESPAR antenna, a modified minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamfomer is proposed. With reactance-domain signal processing, the ESPAR array obtains a correlation matrix of receive signals as the input to the MVDR optimization problem. To design a set of feasible reactance loads for a desired beampattern, the MVDR optimization problem is reformulated as a convex optimization problem constraining an optimized weight vector close to a feasible solution. Finally, the necessary reactance loads are optimized by iterating the convex problem and a simple projector. In addition, the generic algorithm-based beamforming method has also studied for the ESPAR antenna. Blind interference alignment (BIA) is a promising technique for providing an optimal degree of freedom in a multi-user, multiple-inputsingle-output broadcast channel, without the requirements of channel state information at the transmitters. Its key is antenna mode switching at the receive antenna. The ESPAR antenna is able to provide a practical solution to beampattern switching (one kind of antenna mode switching) for the implementation of BIA. In this chapter, three beamforming methods are proposed for providing the required number of beampatterns that are exploited across one super symbol for creating the channel fluctuation patterns seen by receivers. These manually created channel fluctuation patterns are jointly combined with the designed spacetime precoding in order to align the inter-user interference. Furthermore, the directional beampatterns designed in the ESPAR antenna are demonstrated to improve the performance of BIA by alleviating the noise amplification. The ESPAR antenna is studied as the solution to interference mitigation in small cell networks. Specifically, ESPARs analog beamforming presented in the previous chapter is exploited to suppress inter-cell interference for the system scenario, scheduling only one user to be served by each small BS at a single time. In addition, the ESPAR-based BIA is employed to mitigate both inter-cell and intracell interference for the system scenario, scheduling a small number of users to be simultaneously served by each small BS for a single time. In the cognitive radio (CR) paradigm, the ESPAR antenna is employed for spatial spectrum sensing in order to utilize the new angle dimension in the spectrum space besides the conventional frequency, time and space dimensions. The twostage spatial spectrum sensing method is proposed based on the ESPAR antenna being targeted at identifying white spectrum space, including the new angle dimension. At the first stage, the occupancy of a specific frequency band is detected by conventional spectrum-sensing methods, including energy detector and eigenvalue-based methods implemented with the switched-beam ESPAR antenna. With the presence of primary users, their directions are estimated at the second stage, by high-resolution angle-of-arrival (AoA) estimation algorithms. Specifically, the compressive sensing technology has been studied for AoA detection with the ESPAR antenna, which is demonstrated to provide high-resolution estimation results and even to outperform the reactance-domain multiple signal classification