1 research outputs found

    Generic and Automatic Markov Random Field-Based Registration for Multimodal Remote Sensing Image Using Grayscale and Gradient Information

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    The automatic image registration serves as a technical prerequisite for multimodal remote sensing image fusion. Meanwhile, it is also the technical basis for change detection, image stitching and target recognition. The demands of subpixel level registration accuracy can be rarely satisfied with a multimodal image registration method based on feature matching. In light of this, we propose a Generic and automatic Markov Random Field (MRF)-based registration framework of multimodal image using grayscale and gradient information. The proposed approach performs non-rigid registration and formulates an MRF model while grayscale and gradient statistical information of a multimodal image is employed for the evaluation of similarity while the spatial weighting function is optimized simultaneously. Besides, the value space is discretized to improve the convergence speed. The developed automatic approach was validated both qualitatively and quantitatively, demonstrating its potential for a variety of multimodal remote sensing datasets and scenes. As for the registration accuracy, the average target registration error of the proposed framework is less than 1 pixel, while the maximum displacement error is less than 1 pixel. Compared with the polynomial model registration based on manual selection, the registration accuracy has been significantly improved. In the meantime, the proposed approach had the partial applicability for the multimodal image registration of large deformation scenes. It is also proved that the proposed registration framework using grayscale and gradient information outperforms the MRF-based registration using only grayscale information and only gradient information while the proposed registration framework using Gaussian function as spatial weighting function is superior to that using distance inverse weight method