10 research outputs found

    A duality between exceptions and states

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    In this short note we study the semantics of two basic computational effects, exceptions and states, from a new point of view. In the handling of exceptions we dissociate the control from the elementary operation which recovers from the exception. In this way it becomes apparent that there is a duality, in the categorical sense, between exceptions and states

    Decorated proofs for computational effects: Exceptions

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    We define a proof system for exceptions which is close to the syntax for exceptions, in the sense that the exceptions do not appear explicitly in the type of any expression. This proof system is sound with respect to the intended denotational semantics of exceptions. With this inference system we prove several properties of exceptions.Comment: 11 page

    Bases as Coalgebras

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    The free algebra adjunction, between the category of algebras of a monad and the underlying category, induces a comonad on the category of algebras. The coalgebras of this comonad are the topic of study in this paper (following earlier work). It is illustrated how such coalgebras-on-algebras can be understood as bases, decomposing each element x into primitives elements from which x can be reconstructed via the operations of the algebra. This holds in particular for the free vector space monad, but also for other monads, like powerset or distribution. For instance, continuous dcpos or stably continuous frames, where each element is the join of the elements way below it, can be described as such coalgebras. Further, it is shown how these coalgebras-on-algebras give rise to a comonoid structure for copy and delete, and thus to diagonalisation of endomaps like in linear algebra

    Patterns for computational effects arising from a monad or a comonad

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    This paper presents equational-based logics for proving first order properties of programming languages involving effects. We propose two dual inference system patterns that can be instanciated with monads or comonads in order to be used for proving properties of different effects. The first pattern provides inference rules which can be interpreted in the Kleisli category of a monad and the coKleisli category of the associated comonad. In a dual way, the second pattern provides inference rules which can be interpreted in the coKleisli category of a comonad and the Kleisli category of the associated monad. The logics combine a 3-tier effect system for terms consisting of pure terms and two other kinds of effects called 'constructors/observers' and 'modifiers', and a 2-tier system for 'up-to-effects' and 'strong' equations. Each pattern provides generic rules for dealing with any monad (respectively comonad), and it can be extended with specific rules for each effect. The paper presents two use cases: a language with exceptions (using the standard monadic semantics), and a language with state (using the less standard comonadic semantics). Finally, we prove that the obtained inference system for states is Hilbert-Post complete

    Exploring the Boundaries of Monad Tensorability on Set

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    We study a composition operation on monads, equivalently presented as large equational theories. Specifically, we discuss the existence of tensors, which are combinations of theories that impose mutual commutation of the operations from the component theories. As such, they extend the sum of two theories, which is just their unrestrained combination. Tensors of theories arise in several contexts; in particular, in the semantics of programming languages, the monad transformer for global state is given by a tensor. We present two main results: we show that the tensor of two monads need not in general exist by presenting two counterexamples, one of them involving finite powerset (i.e. the theory of join semilattices); this solves a somewhat long-standing open problem, and contrasts with recent results that had ruled out previously expected counterexamples. On the other hand, we show that tensors with bounded powerset monads do exist from countable powerset upwards

    Adjunctions for exceptions

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    An algebraic method is used to study the semantics of exceptions in computer languages. The exceptions form a computational effect, in the sense that there is an apparent mismatch between the syntax of exceptions and their intended semantics. We solve this apparent contradiction by efining a logic for exceptions with a proof system which is close to their syntax and where their intended semantics can be seen as a model. This requires a robust framework for logics and their morphisms, which is provided by categorical tools relying on adjunctions, fractions and limit sketches.Comment: In this Version 2, minor improvements are made to Version

    States and exceptions considered as dual effects

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    In this paper we consider the two major computational effects of states and exceptions, from the point of view of diagrammatic logics. We get a surprising result: there exists a symmetry between these two effects, based on the well-known categorical duality between products and coproducts. More precisely, the lookup and update operations for states are respectively dual to the throw and catch operations for exceptions. This symmetry is deeply hidden in the programming languages; in order to unveil it, we start from the monoidal equational logic and we add progressively the logical features which are necessary for dealing with either effect. This approach gives rise to a new point of view on states and exceptions, which bypasses the problems due to the non-algebraicity of handling exceptions

    Bootstrapping Inductive and Coinductive Types in HasCASL

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    We discuss the treatment of initial datatypes and final process types in the wide-spectrum language HasCASL. In particular, we present specifications that illustrate how datatypes and process types arise as bootstrapped concepts using HasCASL's type class mechanism, and we describe constructions of types of finite and infinite trees that establish the conservativity of datatype and process type declarations adhering to certain reasonable formats. The latter amounts to modifying known constructions from HOL to avoid unique choice; in categorical terminology, this means that we establish that quasitoposes with an internal natural numbers object support initial algebras and final coalgebras for a range of polynomial functors, thereby partially generalising corresponding results from topos theory. Moreover, we present similar constructions in categories of internal complete partial orders in quasitoposes

    Generic Exception Handling and the Java Monad

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    We develop an equational definition of exception monads that characterizes Moggi's exception monad transformer. This axiomatization is then used to define an extension of previously described monad-independent computational logics by abnormal termination. Instantiating this generic formalism with the Java monad used in the LOOP project yields in particular the known Hoare calculi with abnormal termination and JML's method specifications; this opens up the possibility of extending these formalisms by hitherto missing computational features such as I/O and nondeterminism