699 research outputs found

    F?D: On understanding the role of deep feature spaces on face generation evaluation

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    Perceptual metrics, like the Fr\'echet Inception Distance (FID), are widely used to assess the similarity between synthetically generated and ground truth (real) images. The key idea behind these metrics is to compute errors in a deep feature space that captures perceptually and semantically rich image features. Despite their popularity, the effect that different deep features and their design choices have on a perceptual metric has not been well studied. In this work, we perform a causal analysis linking differences in semantic attributes and distortions between face image distributions to Fr\'echet distances (FD) using several popular deep feature spaces. A key component of our analysis is the creation of synthetic counterfactual faces using deep face generators. Our experiments show that the FD is heavily influenced by its feature space's training dataset and objective function. For example, FD using features extracted from ImageNet-trained models heavily emphasize hats over regions like the eyes and mouth. Moreover, FD using features from a face gender classifier emphasize hair length more than distances in an identity (recognition) feature space. Finally, we evaluate several popular face generation models across feature spaces and find that StyleGAN2 consistently ranks higher than other face generators, except with respect to identity (recognition) features. This suggests the need for considering multiple feature spaces when evaluating generative models and using feature spaces that are tuned to nuances of the domain of interest.Comment: Code and dataset to be released soo

    Controllable Image Generation via Collage Representations

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    Recent advances in conditional generative image models have enabled impressive results. On the one hand, text-based conditional models have achieved remarkable generation quality, by leveraging large-scale datasets of image-text pairs. To enable fine-grained controllability, however, text-based models require long prompts, whose details may be ignored by the model. On the other hand, layout-based conditional models have also witnessed significant advances. These models rely on bounding boxes or segmentation maps for precise spatial conditioning in combination with coarse semantic labels. The semantic labels, however, cannot be used to express detailed appearance characteristics. In this paper, we approach fine-grained scene controllability through image collages which allow a rich visual description of the desired scene as well as the appearance and location of the objects therein, without the need of class nor attribute labels. We introduce "mixing and matching scenes" (M&Ms), an approach that consists of an adversarially trained generative image model which is conditioned on appearance features and spatial positions of the different elements in a collage, and integrates these into a coherent image. We train our model on the OpenImages (OI) dataset and evaluate it on collages derived from OI and MS-COCO datasets. Our experiments on the OI dataset show that M&Ms outperforms baselines in terms of fine-grained scene controllability while being very competitive in terms of image quality and sample diversity. On the MS-COCO dataset, we highlight the generalization ability of our model by outperforming DALL-E in terms of the zero-shot FID metric, despite using two magnitudes fewer parameters and data. Collage based generative models have the potential to advance content creation in an efficient and effective way as they are intuitive to use and yield high quality generations
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