6 research outputs found

    Generative Adversarial Networks for Black-Box API Attacks with Limited Training Data

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    As online systems based on machine learning are offered to public or paid subscribers via application programming interfaces (APIs), they become vulnerable to frequent exploits and attacks. This paper studies adversarial machine learning in the practical case when there are rate limitations on API calls. The adversary launches an exploratory (inference) attack by querying the API of an online machine learning system (in particular, a classifier) with input data samples, collecting returned labels to build up the training data, and training an adversarial classifier that is functionally equivalent and statistically close to the target classifier. The exploratory attack with limited training data is shown to fail to reliably infer the target classifier of a real text classifier API that is available online to the public. In return, a generative adversarial network (GAN) based on deep learning is built to generate synthetic training data from a limited number of real training data samples, thereby extending the training data and improving the performance of the inferred classifier. The exploratory attack provides the basis to launch the causative attack (that aims to poison the training process) and evasion attack (that aims to fool the classifier into making wrong decisions) by selecting training and test data samples, respectively, based on the confidence scores obtained from the inferred classifier. These stealth attacks with small footprint (using a small number of API calls) make adversarial machine learning practical under the realistic case with limited training data available to the adversary

    Over-the-Air Membership Inference Attacks as Privacy Threats for Deep Learning-based Wireless Signal Classifiers

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    This paper presents how to leak private information from a wireless signal classifier by launching an over-the-air membership inference attack (MIA). As machine learning (ML) algorithms are used to process wireless signals to make decisions such as PHY-layer authentication, the training data characteristics (e.g., device-level information) and the environment conditions (e.g., channel information) under which the data is collected may leak to the ML model. As a privacy threat, the adversary can use this leaked information to exploit vulnerabilities of the ML model following an adversarial ML approach. In this paper, the MIA is launched against a deep learning-based classifier that uses waveform, device, and channel characteristics (power and phase shifts) in the received signals for RF fingerprinting. By observing the spectrum, the adversary builds first a surrogate classifier and then an inference model to determine whether a signal of interest has been used in the training data of the receiver (e.g., a service provider). The signal of interest can then be associated with particular device and channel characteristics to launch subsequent attacks. The probability of attack success is high (more than 88% depending on waveform and channel conditions) in identifying signals of interest (and potentially the device and channel information) used to build a target classifier. These results show that wireless signal classifiers are vulnerable to privacy threats due to the over-the-air information leakage of their ML model

    When Wireless Security Meets Machine Learning: Motivation, Challenges, and Research Directions

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    Wireless systems are vulnerable to various attacks such as jamming and eavesdropping due to the shared and broadcast nature of wireless medium. To support both attack and defense strategies, machine learning (ML) provides automated means to learn from and adapt to wireless communication characteristics that are hard to capture by hand-crafted features and models. This article discusses motivation, background, and scope of research efforts that bridge ML and wireless security. Motivated by research directions surveyed in the context of ML for wireless security, ML-based attack and defense solutions and emerging adversarial ML techniques in the wireless domain are identified along with a roadmap to foster research efforts in bridging ML and wireless security

    IoT Network Security from the Perspective of Adversarial Deep Learning

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    Machine learning finds rich applications in Internet of Things (IoT) networks such as information retrieval, traffic management, spectrum sensing, and signal authentication. While there is a surge of interest to understand the security issues of machine learning, their implications have not been understood yet for wireless applications such as those in IoT systems that are susceptible to various attacks due the open and broadcast nature of wireless communications. To support IoT systems with heterogeneous devices of different priorities, we present new techniques built upon adversarial machine learning and apply them to three types of over-the-air (OTA) wireless attacks, namely jamming, spectrum poisoning, and priority violation attacks. By observing the spectrum, the adversary starts with an exploratory attack to infer the channel access algorithm of an IoT transmitter by building a deep neural network classifier that predicts the transmission outcomes. Based on these prediction results, the wireless attack continues to either jam data transmissions or manipulate sensing results over the air (by transmitting during the sensing phase) to fool the transmitter into making wrong transmit decisions in the test phase (corresponding to an evasion attack). When the IoT transmitter collects sensing results as training data to retrain its channel access algorithm, the adversary launches a causative attack to manipulate the input data to the transmitter over the air. We show that these attacks with different levels of energy consumption and stealthiness lead to significant loss in throughput and success ratio in wireless communications for IoT systems. Then we introduce a defense mechanism that systematically increases the uncertainty of the adversary at the inference stage and improves the performance. Results provide new insights on how to attack and defend IoT networks using deep learning

    Adversarial Machine Learning in Wireless Communications using RF Data: A Review

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    Machine learning provides effective means to learn from spectrum data and solve complex tasks involved in wireless communications. Supported by recent advances in computational resources and algorithmic designs, deep learning has found success in performing various wireless communication tasks such as signal recognition and spectrum sensing. However, machine learning in general and deep learning in particular has recently been found vulnerable to manipulations in training and test times giving rise to a field of study called Adversarial Machine Learning (AML). Although AML has been extensively studied in other data domains such as computer vision and natural language processing, research for AML in the wireless communications domain is in its early stage. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the latest research efforts focused on AML in wireless communications while accounting for the unique characteristics of wireless systems. First, the necessary background on the various types of AML attacks is provided. Then, a holistic survey of the works developing the AML attacks and the corresponding defense mechanisms in the wireless domain is presented. Finally, recent research trends are identified and the future outlook for AML as a new attack surface for wireless communications is described.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Deep Learning for Wireless Communications

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    Existing communication systems exhibit inherent limitations in translating theory to practice when handling the complexity of optimization for emerging wireless applications with high degrees of freedom. Deep learning has a strong potential to overcome this challenge via data-driven solutions and improve the performance of wireless systems in utilizing limited spectrum resources. In this chapter, we first describe how deep learning is used to design an end-to-end communication system using autoencoders. This flexible design effectively captures channel impairments and optimizes transmitter and receiver operations jointly in single-antenna, multiple-antenna, and multiuser communications. Next, we present the benefits of deep learning in spectrum situation awareness ranging from channel modeling and estimation to signal detection and classification tasks. Deep learning improves the performance when the model-based methods fail. Finally, we discuss how deep learning applies to wireless communication security. In this context, adversarial machine learning provides novel means to launch and defend against wireless attacks. These applications demonstrate the power of deep learning in providing novel means to design, optimize, adapt, and secure wireless communications