4,364 research outputs found

    Generation of file processing programs based on JSP

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    This paper describes the generation of file processing programmes within the TUBA environment. Program structures are derived from data structures according to the JSP method. Expressions describing output data are specified in user-system dialogues. The program specifications are stored in the dictionary. Complete executable programs can be generated from these specifications

    An object-oriented approach to application generation

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    The TUBA system consists of a set of integrated tools for the generation of business-oriented applications. Tools and applications have a modular structure, represented by class objects. The article describes the architecture of the environments for file processing, screen handling and report writing

    Chatbots as a novel access method for government open data

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    IIn this discussion paper, we propose to employ chatbots as a user-friendly interface for open data published by organizations, specifically focusing on public administrations. Open data are especially useful in e-Government initiatives but their exploitation is currently hampered to end users by the lack of user-friendly access methods. On the other hand, current UX in social networks have made people used to chatting. Building on cognitive technologies, we prototyped a chatbot on top of the OpenCantieri dataset published by the Italian Ministero delle Infrastrutture e Trasporti, and we argue that such a model can be extended as a generally available access method to open data

    Scala Server Faces

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    Progress in the Java language has been slow over the last few years. Scala is emerging as one of the probable successors for Java with features such as type inference, higher order functions, closure support and sequence comprehensions. This allows object-oriented yet concise code to be written using Scala. While Java based MVC frameworks are still prevalent, Scala based frameworks along with Ruby on Rails, Django and PHP are emerging as competitors. Scala has a web framework called Lift which has made an attempt to borrow the advantages of other frameworks while keeping code concise. Since Sun’s MVC framework, Java Server Faces 2.0 and its future versions seem to be heading in a reasonably progressive direction; I have developed a framework which attempts to overcome its limitations. I call such a framework ―Scala Server Faces‖. This framework provides a way of writing Java EE applications in Scala yet borrow from the concept of ―convention over configuration‖ followed by rival web frameworks. Again, an Eclipse tool is provided to make the programmer\u27s task of writing code on the popular Eclipse platform. Scala Server Faces, the framework and the tool allows the programmer to write enterprise web applications in Scala by providing features such as templating support, CRUD screen generation for database model objects, an Ant script to help deployment and integration with the Glassfish Application Server

    The Development and the Evaluation of a System for Extracting Events from Web Pages

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    The centralization of a particular event is primarily useful for running news services. These services should provide updated information, if possible even in real time, on a specific type of event. These events and their extraction involved the automatic analysis of linguistic structure documents to determine the possible sequences in which these events occur in documents. This analysis will provide structured and semi-structured documents in which the unit events can be extracted automatically. In order to measure the quality of a system, a methodology will be introduced, which describes the stages and how the decomposition of a system for extracting events in components, quality attributes and properties will be defined for these components, and finally will be introduced metrics for evaluation.Event, Performance Metric, Event Extraction System

    An Experiment in Model Driven Architecture for e-Enterprise Systems

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    OMG's Model Driven Architecture demonstrates how a system's specification model can be used within the process of creating supporting software implementations. This article documents the findings of an experiment aimed at determining the extent to which this method of software engineering can be used within the domain of e-Enterprise systems
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