7 research outputs found

    Egge triples and unbalanced Wilf-equivalence

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    Egge conjectured that permutations avoiding the set of patterns {2143,3142,τ}\{2143,3142,\tau\}, where τ∈{246135,254613,263514,524361,546132}\tau\in\{246135,254613,263514,524361,546132\}, are enumerated by the large Schr\"oder numbers. Consequently, {2143,3142,τ}\{2143,3142,\tau\} with τ\tau as above is Wilf-equivalent to the set of patterns {2413,3142}\{2413,3142\}. Burstein and Pantone proved the case of τ=246135\tau=246135. We prove the remaining four cases. As a byproduct of our proof, we also enumerate the case τ=4132\tau=4132.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures (published version

    Minimal classes of graphs of unbounded clique-width defined by finitely many forbidden induced subgraphs

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    We discover new hereditary classes of graphs that are minimal (with respect to set inclusion) of unbounded clique-width. The new examples include split permutation graphs and bichain graphs. Each of these classes is characterised by a finite list of minimal forbidden induced subgraphs. These, therefore, disprove a conjecture due to Daligault, Rao and Thomasse from 2010 claiming that all such minimal classes must be defined by infinitely many forbidden induced subgraphs. In the same paper, Daligault, Rao and Thomasse make another conjecture that every hereditary class of unbounded clique-width must contain a labelled infinite antichain. We show that the two example classes we consider here satisfy this conjecture. Indeed, they each contain a canonical labelled infinite antichain, which leads us to propose a stronger conjecture: that every hereditary class of graphs that is minimal of unbounded clique-width contains a canonical labelled infinite antichain.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Pattern-Avoiding Involutions: Exact and Asymptotic Enumeration

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    We consider the enumeration of pattern-avoiding involutions, focusing in particular on sets defined by avoiding a single pattern of length 4. As we demonstrate, the numerical data for these problems demonstrates some surprising behavior. This strange behavior even provides some very unexpected data related to the number of 1324-avoiding permutations

    Permutation classes

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    This is a survey on permutation classes for the upcoming book Handbook of Enumerative Combinatorics