27,029 research outputs found

    Evidential Deep Learning to Quantify Classification Uncertainty

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    Deterministic neural nets have been shown to learn effective predictors on a wide range of machine learning problems. However, as the standard approach is to train the network to minimize a prediction loss, the resultant model remains ignorant to its prediction confidence. Orthogonally to Bayesian neural nets that indirectly infer prediction uncertainty through weight uncertainties, we propose explicit modeling of the same using the theory of subjective logic. By placing a Dirichlet distribution on the class probabilities, we treat predictions of a neural net as subjective opinions and learn the function that collects the evidence leading to these opinions by a deterministic neural net from data. The resultant predictor for a multi-class classification problem is another Dirichlet distribution whose parameters are set by the continuous output of a neural net. We provide a preliminary analysis on how the peculiarities of our new loss function drive improved uncertainty estimation. We observe that our method achieves unprecedented success on detection of out-of-distribution queries and endurance against adversarial perturbations

    BEBP: An Poisoning Method Against Machine Learning Based IDSs

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    In big data era, machine learning is one of fundamental techniques in intrusion detection systems (IDSs). However, practical IDSs generally update their decision module by feeding new data then retraining learning models in a periodical way. Hence, some attacks that comprise the data for training or testing classifiers significantly challenge the detecting capability of machine learning-based IDSs. Poisoning attack, which is one of the most recognized security threats towards machine learning-based IDSs, injects some adversarial samples into the training phase, inducing data drifting of training data and a significant performance decrease of target IDSs over testing data. In this paper, we adopt the Edge Pattern Detection (EPD) algorithm to design a novel poisoning method that attack against several machine learning algorithms used in IDSs. Specifically, we propose a boundary pattern detection algorithm to efficiently generate the points that are near to abnormal data but considered to be normal ones by current classifiers. Then, we introduce a Batch-EPD Boundary Pattern (BEBP) detection algorithm to overcome the limitation of the number of edge pattern points generated by EPD and to obtain more useful adversarial samples. Based on BEBP, we further present a moderate but effective poisoning method called chronic poisoning attack. Extensive experiments on synthetic and three real network data sets demonstrate the performance of the proposed poisoning method against several well-known machine learning algorithms and a practical intrusion detection method named FMIFS-LSSVM-IDS.Comment: 7 pages,5figures, conferenc

    Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Learning with Categorical Generative Adversarial Networks

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    In this paper we present a method for learning a discriminative classifier from unlabeled or partially labeled data. Our approach is based on an objective function that trades-off mutual information between observed examples and their predicted categorical class distribution, against robustness of the classifier to an adversarial generative model. The resulting algorithm can either be interpreted as a natural generalization of the generative adversarial networks (GAN) framework or as an extension of the regularized information maximization (RIM) framework to robust classification against an optimal adversary. We empirically evaluate our method - which we dub categorical generative adversarial networks (or CatGAN) - on synthetic data as well as on challenging image classification tasks, demonstrating the robustness of the learned classifiers. We further qualitatively assess the fidelity of samples generated by the adversarial generator that is learned alongside the discriminative classifier, and identify links between the CatGAN objective and discriminative clustering algorithms (such as RIM)

    On the Art and Science of Machine Learning Explanations

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    This text discusses several popular explanatory methods that go beyond the error measurements and plots traditionally used to assess machine learning models. Some of the explanatory methods are accepted tools of the trade while others are rigorously derived and backed by long-standing theory. The methods, decision tree surrogate models, individual conditional expectation (ICE) plots, local interpretable model-agnostic explanations (LIME), partial dependence plots, and Shapley explanations, vary in terms of scope, fidelity, and suitable application domain. Along with descriptions of these methods, this text presents real-world usage recommendations supported by a use case and public, in-depth software examples for reproducibility.Comment: This manuscript is a preprint of the text for an invited talk at the 2019 KDD XAI workshop. A previous version has also appeared in the proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meetings. Errata and updates available here: https://github.com/jphall663/kdd_2019. Version 2 incorporated reviewer feedback. Version 3 includes a minor adjustment to Figure 1. Version 4 corrects a minor typ

    Simultaneous Adversarial Training - Learn from Others Mistakes

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    Adversarial examples are maliciously tweaked images that can easily fool machine learning techniques, such as neural networks, but they are normally not visually distinguishable for human beings. One of the main approaches to solve this problem is to retrain the networks using those adversarial examples, namely adversarial training. However, standard adversarial training might not actually change the decision boundaries but cause the problem of gradient masking, resulting in a weaker ability to generate adversarial examples. Therefore, it cannot alleviate the problem of black-box attacks, where adversarial examples generated from other networks can transfer to the targeted one. In order to reduce the problem of black-box attacks, we propose a novel method that allows two networks to learn from each others' adversarial examples and become resilient to black-box attacks. We also combine this method with a simple domain adaptation to further improve the performance

    Making Classifier Chains Resilient to Class Imbalance

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    Class imbalance is an intrinsic characteristic of multi-label data. Most of the labels in multi-label data sets are associated with a small number of training examples, much smaller compared to the size of the data set. Class imbalance poses a key challenge that plagues most multi-label learning methods. Ensemble of Classifier Chains (ECC), one of the most prominent multi-label learning methods, is no exception to this rule, as each of the binary models it builds is trained from all positive and negative examples of a label. To make ECC resilient to class imbalance, we first couple it with random undersampling. We then present two extensions of this basic approach, where we build a varying number of binary models per label and construct chains of different sizes, in order to improve the exploitation of majority examples with approximately the same computational budget. Experimental results on 16 multi-label datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches in a variety of evaluation metrics

    Cost-effective Object Detection: Active Sample Mining with Switchable Selection Criteria

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    Though quite challenging, leveraging large-scale unlabeled or partially labeled data in learning systems (e.g., model/classifier training) has attracted increasing attentions due to its fundamental importance. To address this problem, many active learning (AL) methods have been proposed that employ up-to-date detectors to retrieve representative minority samples according to predefined confidence or uncertainty thresholds. However, these AL methods cause the detectors to ignore the remaining majority samples (i.e., those with low uncertainty or high prediction confidence). In this work, by developing a principled active sample mining (ASM) framework, we demonstrate that cost-effectively mining samples from these unlabeled majority data is key to training more powerful object detectors while minimizing user effort. Specifically, our ASM framework involves a switchable sample selection mechanism for determining whether an unlabeled sample should be manually annotated via AL or automatically pseudo-labeled via a novel self-learning process. The proposed process can be compatible with mini-batch based training (i.e., using a batch of unlabeled or partially labeled data as a one-time input) for object detection. In addition, a few samples with low-confidence predictions are selected and annotated via AL. Notably, our method is suitable for object categories that are not seen in the unlabeled data during the learning process. Extensive experiments clearly demonstrate that our ASM framework can achieve performance comparable to that of alternative methods but with significantly fewer annotations.Comment: Automatically determining whether an unlabeled sample should be manually annotated or pseudo-labeled via a novel self-learning process (Accepted by TNNLS 2018) The source code is available at http://kezewang.com/codes/ASM_ver1.zi

    An Interpretable Model with Globally Consistent Explanations for Credit Risk

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    We propose a possible solution to a public challenge posed by the Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO), which is to provide an explainable model for credit risk assessment. Rather than present a black box model and explain it afterwards, we provide a globally interpretable model that is as accurate as other neural networks. Our "two-layer additive risk model" is decomposable into subscales, where each node in the second layer represents a meaningful subscale, and all of the nonlinearities are transparent. We provide three types of explanations that are simpler than, but consistent with, the global model. One of these explanation methods involves solving a minimum set cover problem to find high-support globally-consistent explanations. We present a new online visualization tool to allow users to explore the global model and its explanations

    Distilling Knowledge from Deep Networks with Applications to Healthcare Domain

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    Exponential growth in Electronic Healthcare Records (EHR) has resulted in new opportunities and urgent needs for discovery of meaningful data-driven representations and patterns of diseases in Computational Phenotyping research. Deep Learning models have shown superior performance for robust prediction in computational phenotyping tasks, but suffer from the issue of model interpretability which is crucial for clinicians involved in decision-making. In this paper, we introduce a novel knowledge-distillation approach called Interpretable Mimic Learning, to learn interpretable phenotype features for making robust prediction while mimicking the performance of deep learning models. Our framework uses Gradient Boosting Trees to learn interpretable features from deep learning models such as Stacked Denoising Autoencoder and Long Short-Term Memory. Exhaustive experiments on a real-world clinical time-series dataset show that our method obtains similar or better performance than the deep learning models, and it provides interpretable phenotypes for clinical decision making

    Chittron: An Automatic Bangla Image Captioning System

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    Automatic image caption generation aims to produce an accurate description of an image in natural language automatically. However, Bangla, the fifth most widely spoken language in the world, is lagging considerably in the research and development of such domain. Besides, while there are many established data sets to related to image annotation in English, no such resource exists for Bangla yet. Hence, this paper outlines the development of "Chittron", an automatic image captioning system in Bangla. Moreover, to address the data set availability issue, a collection of 16,000 Bangladeshi contextual images has been accumulated and manually annotated in Bangla. This data set is then used to train a model which integrates a pre-trained VGG16 image embedding model with stacked LSTM layers. The model is trained to predict the caption when the input is an image, one word at a time. The results show that the model has successfully been able to learn a working language model and to generate captions of images quite accurately in many cases. The results are evaluated mainly qualitatively. However, BLEU scores are also reported. It is expected that a better result can be obtained with a bigger and more varied data set
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