9 research outputs found

    A reciprocity approach to computing generating functions for permutations with no pattern matches

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    In this paper, we develop a new method to compute generating functions of the form NMΟ„(t,x,y)=βˆ‘nβ‰₯0tnβ€Šn!βˆ‘ΟƒβˆˆlNMn(Ο„)xLRMin(Οƒ)y1+des(Οƒ)NM_Ο„ (t,x,y) = \sum\limits_{n β‰₯0} {\frac{t^n}β€Š{n!}}βˆ‘_{Οƒ ∈\mathcal{lNM_{n}(Ο„ )}} x^{LRMin(Οƒ)} y^{1+des(Οƒ )} where ττ is a permutation that starts with 1,NMn(Ο„)1, \mathcal{NM_n}(Ο„ ) is the set of permutations in the symmetric group SnS_n with no ττ -matches, and for any permutation ΟƒβˆˆSnΟƒ ∈S_n, LRMin(Οƒ)LRMin(Οƒ ) is the number of left-to-right minima of σσ and des(Οƒ)des(Οƒ ) is the number of descents of σσ . Our method does not compute NMΟ„(t,x,y)NM_Ο„ (t,x,y) directly, but assumes that NMΟ„(t,x,y)=1/β€Š(UΟ„(t,y))xNM_Ο„ (t,x,y) = \frac{1}{/β€Š(U_Ο„ (t,y))^x} where UΟ„(t,y)=βˆ‘nβ‰₯0UΟ„,n(y)tnβ€Šn!U_Ο„ (t,y) = \sum_{n β‰₯0} U_Ο„ ,n(y) \frac{t^n}{β€Šn!} so that UΟ„(t,y)=1β€ŠNMΟ„(t,1,y)U_Ο„ (t,y) = \frac{1}{β€ŠNM_Ο„ (t,1,y)}. We then use the so-called homomorphism method and the combinatorial interpretation of NMΟ„(t,1,y)NM_Ο„ (t,1,y) to develop recursions for the coefficient of UΟ„(t,y)U_Ο„ (t,y)