258 research outputs found

    Generating Abstractive Summaries from Meeting Transcripts

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    Summaries of meetings are very important as they convey the essential content of discussions in a concise form. Generally, it is time consuming to read and understand the whole documents. Therefore, summaries play an important role as the readers are interested in only the important context of discussions. In this work, we address the task of meeting document summarization. Automatic summarization systems on meeting conversations developed so far have been primarily extractive, resulting in unacceptable summaries that are hard to read. The extracted utterances contain disfluencies that affect the quality of the extractive summaries. To make summaries much more readable, we propose an approach to generating abstractive summaries by fusing important content from several utterances. We first separate meeting transcripts into various topic segments, and then identify the important utterances in each segment using a supervised learning approach. The important utterances are then combined together to generate a one-sentence summary. In the text generation step, the dependency parses of the utterances in each segment are combined together to create a directed graph. The most informative and well-formed sub-graph obtained by integer linear programming (ILP) is selected to generate a one-sentence summary for each topic segment. The ILP formulation reduces disfluencies by leveraging grammatical relations that are more prominent in non-conversational style of text, and therefore generates summaries that is comparable to human-written abstractive summaries. Experimental results show that our method can generate more informative summaries than the baselines. In addition, readability assessments by human judges as well as log-likelihood estimates obtained from the dependency parser show that our generated summaries are significantly readable and well-formed.Comment: 10 pages, Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, DocEng' 201

    Action-Item-Driven Summarization of Long Meeting Transcripts

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    The increased prevalence of online meetings has significantly enhanced the practicality of a model that can automatically generate the summary of a given meeting. This paper introduces a novel and effective approach to automate the generation of meeting summaries. Current approaches to this problem generate general and basic summaries, considering the meeting simply as a long dialogue. However, our novel algorithms can generate abstractive meeting summaries that are driven by the action items contained in the meeting transcript. This is done by recursively generating summaries and employing our action-item extraction algorithm for each section of the meeting in parallel. All of these sectional summaries are then combined and summarized together to create a coherent and action-item-driven summary. In addition, this paper introduces three novel methods for dividing up long transcripts into topic-based sections to improve the time efficiency of our algorithm, as well as to resolve the issue of large language models (LLMs) forgetting long-term dependencies. Our pipeline achieved a BERTScore of 64.98 across the AMI corpus, which is an approximately 4.98% increase from the current state-of-the-art result produced by a fine-tuned BART (Bidirectional and Auto-Regressive Transformers) model.Comment: Accepted into the 7th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval (NLPIR 2023

    Joint Modeling of Content and Discourse Relations in Dialogues

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    We present a joint modeling approach to identify salient discussion points in spoken meetings as well as to label the discourse relations between speaker turns. A variation of our model is also discussed when discourse relations are treated as latent variables. Experimental results on two popular meeting corpora show that our joint model can outperform state-of-the-art approaches for both phrase-based content selection and discourse relation prediction tasks. We also evaluate our model on predicting the consistency among team members' understanding of their group decisions. Classifiers trained with features constructed from our model achieve significant better predictive performance than the state-of-the-art.Comment: Accepted by ACL 2017. 11 page

    Improving Query-Focused Meeting Summarization with Query-Relevant Knowledge

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    Query-Focused Meeting Summarization (QFMS) aims to generate a summary of a given meeting transcript conditioned upon a query. The main challenges for QFMS are the long input text length and sparse query-relevant information in the meeting transcript. In this paper, we propose a knowledge-enhanced two-stage framework called Knowledge-Aware Summarizer (KAS) to tackle the challenges. In the first stage, we introduce knowledge-aware scores to improve the query-relevant segment extraction. In the second stage, we incorporate query-relevant knowledge in the summary generation. Experimental results on the QMSum dataset show that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance. Further analysis proves the competency of our methods in generating relevant and faithful summaries.Comment: AACL 2023 Finding

    MeetingBank: A Benchmark Dataset for Meeting Summarization

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    As the number of recorded meetings increases, it becomes increasingly important to utilize summarization technology to create useful summaries of these recordings. However, there is a crucial lack of annotated meeting corpora for developing this technology, as it can be hard to collect meetings, especially when the topics discussed are confidential. Furthermore, meeting summaries written by experienced writers are scarce, making it hard for abstractive summarizers to produce sensible output without a reliable reference. This lack of annotated corpora has hindered the development of meeting summarization technology. In this paper, we present MeetingBank, a new benchmark dataset of city council meetings over the past decade. MeetingBank is unique among other meeting corpora due to its divide-and-conquer approach, which involves dividing professionally written meeting minutes into shorter passages and aligning them with specific segments of the meeting. This breaks down the process of summarizing a lengthy meeting into smaller, more manageable tasks. The dataset provides a new testbed of various meeting summarization systems and also allows the public to gain insight into how council decisions are made. We make the collection, including meeting video links, transcripts, reference summaries, agenda, and other metadata, publicly available to facilitate the development of better meeting summarization techniques. Our dataset can be accessed at: https://meetingbank.github.ioComment: ACL 2023 Long Pape

    PREME: Preference-based Meeting Exploration through an Interactive Questionnaire

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    The recent increase in the volume of online meetings necessitates automated tools for managing and organizing the material, especially when an attendee has missed the discussion and needs assistance in quickly exploring it. In this work, we propose a novel end-to-end framework for generating interactive questionnaires for preference-based meeting exploration. As a result, users are supplied with a list of suggested questions reflecting their preferences. Since the task is new, we introduce an automatic evaluation strategy. Namely, it measures how much the generated questions via questionnaire are answerable to ensure factual correctness and covers the source meeting for the depth of possible exploration
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