5 research outputs found

    Wavelet Footprints: Theory, Algorithms and Applications

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    In recent years, wavelet-based algorithms have been successful in different signal processing tasks. The wavelet trans- form is a powerful tool because it manages to represent both tran- sient and stationary behaviors of a signal with few transform coeffi- cients. Discontinuities often carry relevant signal information, and therefore, they represent a critical part to analyze. In this paper, we study the dependency across scales of the wavelet coefficients generated by discontinuities. We start by showing that any piece- wise smooth signal can be expressed as a sum of a piecewise poly- nomial signal and a uniformly smooth residual (see Theorem 1 in Section II). We then introduce the notion of footprints, which are scale space vectors that model discontinuities in piecewise polyno- mial signals exactly. We show that footprints form an overcomplete dictionary and develop efficient and robust algorithms to find the exact representation of a piecewise polynomial function in terms of footprints. This also leads to efficient approximation of piece- wise smooth functions. Finally, we focus on applications and show that algorithms based on footprints outperform standard wavelet methods in different applications such as denoising, compression, and (nonblind) deconvolution. In the case of compression, we also prove that at high rates, footprint-based algorithms attain optimal performance (see Theorem 3 in Section V)

    Polarimeter Blind Deconvolution Using Image Diversity

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    This research presents an algorithm that improves the ability to view objects using an electro-optical imaging system with at least one polarization sensitive channel in addition to the primary channel. An innovative algorithm for detection and estimation of the defocus aberration present in an image is also developed. Using a known defocus aberration, an iterative polarimeter deconvolution algorithm is developed using a generalized expectation-maximization (GEM) model. The polarimeter deconvolution algorithm is extended to an iterative polarimeter multiframe blind deconvolution (PMFBD) algorithm with an unknown aberration. Using both simulated and laboratory images, the results of the new PMFBD algorithm clearly outperforms an RL-based MFBD algorithm. The convergence rate is significantly faster with better fidelity of reproduction of the targets. Clearly, leveraging polarization data in electro-optical imaging systems has the potential to significantly improve the ability to resolve objects and, thus, improve Space Situation Awareness