12 research outputs found

    User-Defined Data Distributions in High-Level Programming Languages

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    One of the characteristic features of today’s high performance computing systems is a physically distributed memory. Efficient management of locality is essential for meeting key performance requirements for these architectures. The standard technique for dealing with this issue has involved the extension of traditional sequential programming languages with explicit message passing, in the context of a processor-centric view of parallel computation. This has resulted in complex and error-prone assembly-style codes in which algorithms and communication are inextricably interwoven. This paper presents a high-level approach to the design and implementation of data distributions. Our work is motivated by the need to improve the current parallel programming methodology by introducing a paradigm supporting the development of efficient and reusable parallel code. This approach is currently being implemented in the context of a new programming language called Chapel, which is designed in the HPCS project Cascade

    Analysis of multirate behavior in electronic systems

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaEsta tese insere-se na área da simulação de circuitos de RF e microondas, e visa o estudo de ferramentas computacionais inovadoras que consigam simular, de forma eficiente, circuitos não lineares e muito heterogéneos, contendo uma estrutura combinada de blocos analógicos de RF e de banda base e blocos digitais, a operar em múltiplas escalas de tempo. Os métodos numéricos propostos nesta tese baseiam-se em estratégias multi-dimensionais, as quais usam múltiplas variáveis temporais definidas em domínios de tempo deformados e não deformados, para lidar, de forma eficaz, com as disparidades existentes entre as diversas escalas de tempo. De modo a poder tirar proveito dos diferentes ritmos de evolução temporal existentes entre correntes e tensões com variação muito rápida (variáveis de estado activas) e correntes e tensões com variação lenta (variáveis de estado latentes), são utilizadas algumas técnicas numéricas avançadas para operar dentro dos espaços multi-dimensionais, como, por exemplo, os algoritmos multi-ritmo de Runge-Kutta, ou o método das linhas. São também apresentadas algumas estratégias de partição dos circuitos, as quais permitem dividir um circuito em sub-circuitos de uma forma completamente automática, em função dos ritmos de evolução das suas variáveis de estado. Para problemas acentuadamente não lineares, são propostos vários métodos inovadores de simulação a operar estritamente no domínio do tempo. Para problemas com não linearidades moderadas é proposto um novo método híbrido frequência-tempo, baseado numa combinação entre a integração passo a passo unidimensional e o método seguidor de envolvente com balanço harmónico. O desempenho dos métodos é testado na simulação de alguns exemplos ilustrativos, com resultados bastante promissores. Uma análise comparativa entre os métodos agora propostos e os métodos actualmente existentes para simulação RF, revela ganhos consideráveis em termos de rapidez de computação.This thesis belongs to the field of RF and microwave circuit simulation, and is intended to discuss some innovative computer-aided design tools especially conceived for the efficient numerical simulation of highly heterogeneous nonlinear wireless communication circuits, combining RF and baseband analog and digital circuitry, operating in multiple time scales. The numerical methods proposed in this thesis are based on multivariate strategies, which use multiple time variables defined in warped and unwarped time domains, for efficiently dealing with the time-scale disparities. In order to benefit from the different rates of variation of slowly varying (latent) and fast-varying (active) currents and voltages (circuits’ state variables), several advanced numerical techniques, such as modern multirate Runge-Kutta algorithms, or the mathematical method of lines, are proposed to operate within the multivariate frameworks. Diverse partitioning strategies are also introduced, which allow the simulator to automatically split the circuits into sub-circuits according to the different time rates of change of their state variables. Novel purely time-domain techniques are addressed for the numerical simulation of circuits presenting strong nonlinearities, while a mixed frequency-time engine, based on a combination of univariate time-step integration with multitime envelope transient harmonic balance, is discussed for circuits operating under moderately nonlinear regimes. Tests performed in illustrative circuit examples with the newly proposed methods revealed very promising results. Indeed, compared to previously available RF tools, significant gains in simulation speed are reported

    NASTRAN: Users' experiences

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    The proceedings of a conference on NASA Structural Analysis (NASTRAN) to analyze the experiences of users of the program are presented. The subjects discussed include the following: (1) statics and buckling, (2) vibrations and dynamics, (3) substructing, (4) new capability, (5) user's experience, and (6) system experience. Specific applications of NASTRAN to spacecraft, aircraft, nuclear power plants, and materials tests are reported

    Sixth NASTRAN (R) Users' Colloquium

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    Papers are presented on NASTRAN programming, and substructuring methods, as well as on fluids and thermal applications. Specific applications and capabilities of NASTRAN were also delineated along with general auxiliary programs

    Optimizing work stealing algorithms with scheduling constraints

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    The fork-join paradigm of concurrent expression has gained popularity in conjunction with work-stealing schedulers. Random work-stealing schedulers have been shown to effectively perform dynamic load balancing, yielding provably-efficient schedules and space bounds on shared-memory architectures with uniform memory models. However, the advent of hierarchical, non-uniform multicore systems and large-scale distributed-memory architectures has reduced the efficacy of these scheduling policies. Furthermore, random work stealing schedulers do not exploit persistence within iterative, scientific applications. In this thesis, we prove several properties of work-stealing schedulers that enable online tracing of the tasks with very low overhead. We then describe new scheduling policies that use online schedule introspection to understand scheduler placement and thus improve the performance on NUMA and distributed-memory architectures. Finally, by incorporating an inclusive data effect system into fork--join programs with schedule placement knowledge, we show how we can transform a fork-join program to significantly improve locality

    Statistics in the 150 years from Italian Unification. SIS 2011 Statistical Conference, Bologna, 8 – 10 June 2011. Book of short paper.

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    Statistics in the 150 years from Italian Unification. SIS 2011 Statistical Conference, Bologna, 8 – 10 June 2011. Book of short paper.

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