87 research outputs found

    Graph médian généralisé via des minimisations alternées.

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    International audienceComputing a graph prototype may constitute a core element for clustering or classification tasks. However, its computation is an NP-Hard problem, even for simple classes of graphs. In this paper, we propose an efficient approach based on block coordinate descent to compute a generalized median graph from a set of graphs. This approach relies on a clear definition of the optimization process and handles labeling on both edges and nodes. This iterative process optimizes the edit operations to perform on a graph alternatively on nodes and edges. Several experiments on different datasets show the efficiency of our approach.Calculer un graphe prototype peut constituer une étape centrale pour des méthodes de clustering ou de classification. Toutefois, ce calcul est NP-difficile même pour des classes de graphes simples. Nous proposons dans ce papier une approche efficace basée sur une minimisation alternée pour calculer le graphe médian d'un ensemble. Cette approche s'appuie sur une définition claire du processus d'optimisation et inclue l'étiquetage à la fois des nœuds et des arêtes. Ce processus itératif optimise les opérations à effectuer alternativement sur les sommets et les arêtes. Plusieurs expériences sur des jeux de données différents montrent l'efficacité de notre approche

    Mapping constrained optimization problems to quantum annealing with application to fault diagnosis

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    Current quantum annealing (QA) hardware suffers from practical limitations such as finite temperature, sparse connectivity, small qubit numbers, and control error. We propose new algorithms for mapping boolean constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) onto QA hardware mitigating these limitations. In particular we develop a new embedding algorithm for mapping a CSP onto a hardware Ising model with a fixed sparse set of interactions, and propose two new decomposition algorithms for solving problems too large to map directly into hardware. The mapping technique is locally-structured, as hardware compatible Ising models are generated for each problem constraint, and variables appearing in different constraints are chained together using ferromagnetic couplings. In contrast, global embedding techniques generate a hardware independent Ising model for all the constraints, and then use a minor-embedding algorithm to generate a hardware compatible Ising model. We give an example of a class of CSPs for which the scaling performance of D-Wave's QA hardware using the local mapping technique is significantly better than global embedding. We validate the approach by applying D-Wave's hardware to circuit-based fault-diagnosis. For circuits that embed directly, we find that the hardware is typically able to find all solutions from a min-fault diagnosis set of size N using 1000N samples, using an annealing rate that is 25 times faster than a leading SAT-based sampling method. Further, we apply decomposition algorithms to find min-cardinality faults for circuits that are up to 5 times larger than can be solved directly on current hardware.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Geometric Variational Models for Inverse Problems in Imaging

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    This dissertation develops geometric variational models for different inverse problems in imaging that are ill-posed, designing at the same time efficient numerical algorithms to compute their solutions. Variational methods solve inverse problems by the following two steps: formulation of a variational model as a minimization problem, and design of a minimization algorithm to solve it. This dissertation is organized in the same manner. It first formulates minimization problems associated with geometric models for different inverse problems in imaging, and it then designs efficient minimization algorithms to compute their solutions. The minimization problem summarizes both the data available from the measurements and the prior knowledge about the solution in its objective functional; this naturally leads to the combination of a measurement or data term and a prior term. Geometry can play a role in any of these terms, depending on the properties of the data acquisition system or the object being imaged. In this context, each chapter of this dissertation formulates a variational model that includes geometry in a different manner in the objective functional, depending on the inverse problem at hand. In the context of compressed sensing, the first chapter exploits the geometric properties of images to include an alignment term in the sparsity prior of compressed sensing; this additional prior term aligns the normal vectors of the level curves of the image with the reconstructed signal, and it improves the quality of reconstruction. A two-step recovery method is designed for that purpose: first, it estimates the normal vectors to the level curves of the image; second, it reconstructs an image matching the compressed sensing measurements, the geometric alignment of normals, and the sparsity constraint of compressed sensing. The proposed method is extended to non-local operators in graphs for the recovery of textures. The harmonic active contours of Chapter 2 make use of differential geometry to interpret the segmentation of an image as a minimal surface manifold. In this case, geometry is exploited in both the measurement term, by coupling the different image channels in a robust edge detector, and in the prior term, by imposing smoothness in the segmentation. The proposed technique generalizes existing active contours to higher dimensional spaces and non-flat images; in the plane, it improves the segmentation of images with inhomogeneities and weak edges. Shape-from-shading is investigated in Chapter 3 for the reconstruction of a silicon wafer from images of printed circuits taken with a scanning electron microscope. In this case, geometry plays a role in the image acquisition system, that is, in the measurement term of the objective functional. The prior term involves a smoothness constraint on the surface and a shape prior on the expected pattern in the circuit. The proposed reconstruction method also estimates a deformation field between the ideal pattern design and the reconstructed surface, substituting the model of shape variability necessary in shape priors with an elastic deformation field that quantifies deviations in the manufacturing process. Finally, the techniques used for the design of efficient numerical algorithms are explained with an example problem based on the level set method. To this purpose, Chapter 4 develops an efficient algorithm for the level set method when the level set function is constrained to remain a signed distance function. The distance function is preserved by the introduction of an explicit constraint in the minimization problem, the minimization algorithm is efficient by the adequate use of variable-splitting and augmented Lagrangian techniques. These techniques introduce additional variables, constraints, and Lagrange multipliers in the original minimization problem, and they decompose it into sub-optimization problems that are simple and can be efficiently solved. As a result, the proposed algorithm is five to six times faster than the original algorithm for the level set method

    Non-convex Optimization for Machine Learning

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    A vast majority of machine learning algorithms train their models and perform inference by solving optimization problems. In order to capture the learning and prediction problems accurately, structural constraints such as sparsity or low rank are frequently imposed or else the objective itself is designed to be a non-convex function. This is especially true of algorithms that operate in high-dimensional spaces or that train non-linear models such as tensor models and deep networks. The freedom to express the learning problem as a non-convex optimization problem gives immense modeling power to the algorithm designer, but often such problems are NP-hard to solve. A popular workaround to this has been to relax non-convex problems to convex ones and use traditional methods to solve the (convex) relaxed optimization problems. However this approach may be lossy and nevertheless presents significant challenges for large scale optimization. On the other hand, direct approaches to non-convex optimization have met with resounding success in several domains and remain the methods of choice for the practitioner, as they frequently outperform relaxation-based techniques - popular heuristics include projected gradient descent and alternating minimization. However, these are often poorly understood in terms of their convergence and other properties. This monograph presents a selection of recent advances that bridge a long-standing gap in our understanding of these heuristics. The monograph will lead the reader through several widely used non-convex optimization techniques, as well as applications thereof. The goal of this monograph is to both, introduce the rich literature in this area, as well as equip the reader with the tools and techniques needed to analyze these simple procedures for non-convex problems.Comment: The official publication is available from now publishers via http://dx.doi.org/10.1561/220000005

    Data- og ekspertdreven variabelseleksjon for prediktive modeller i helsevesenet : mot økt tolkbarhet i underbestemte maskinlæringsproblemer

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    Modern data acquisition techniques in healthcare generate large collections of data from multiple sources, such as novel diagnosis and treatment methodologies. Some concrete examples are electronic healthcare record systems, genomics, and medical images. This leads to situations with often unstructured, high-dimensional heterogeneous patient cohort data where classical statistical methods may not be sufficient for optimal utilization of the data and informed decision-making. Instead, investigating such data structures with modern machine learning techniques promises to improve the understanding of patient health issues and may provide a better platform for informed decision-making by clinicians. Key requirements for this purpose include (a) sufficiently accurate predictions and (b) model interpretability. Achieving both aspects in parallel is difficult, particularly for datasets with few patients, which are common in the healthcare domain. In such cases, machine learning models encounter mathematically underdetermined systems and may overfit easily on the training data. An important approach to overcome this issue is feature selection, i.e., determining a subset of informative features from the original set of features with respect to the target variable. While potentially raising the predictive performance, feature selection fosters model interpretability by identifying a low number of relevant model parameters to better understand the underlying biological processes that lead to health issues. Interpretability requires that feature selection is stable, i.e., small changes in the dataset do not lead to changes in the selected feature set. A concept to address instability is ensemble feature selection, i.e. the process of repeating the feature selection multiple times on subsets of samples of the original dataset and aggregating results in a meta-model. This thesis presents two approaches for ensemble feature selection, which are tailored towards high-dimensional data in healthcare: the Repeated Elastic Net Technique for feature selection (RENT) and the User-Guided Bayesian Framework for feature selection (UBayFS). While RENT is purely data-driven and builds upon elastic net regularized models, UBayFS is a general framework for ensembles with the capabilities to include expert knowledge in the feature selection process via prior weights and side constraints. A case study modeling the overall survival of cancer patients compares these novel feature selectors and demonstrates their potential in clinical practice. Beyond the selection of single features, UBayFS also allows for selecting whole feature groups (feature blocks) that were acquired from multiple data sources, as those mentioned above. Importance quantification of such feature blocks plays a key role in tracing information about the target variable back to the acquisition modalities. Such information on feature block importance may lead to positive effects on the use of human, technical, and financial resources if systematically integrated into the planning of patient treatment by excluding the acquisition of non-informative features. Since a generalization of feature importance measures to block importance is not trivial, this thesis also investigates and compares approaches for feature block importance rankings. This thesis demonstrates that high-dimensional datasets from multiple data sources in the medical domain can be successfully tackled by the presented approaches for feature selection. Experimental evaluations demonstrate favorable properties of both predictive performance, stability, as well as interpretability of results, which carries a high potential for better data-driven decision support in clinical practice.Moderne datainnsamlingsteknikker i helsevesenet genererer store datamengder fra flere kilder, som for eksempel nye diagnose- og behandlingsmetoder. Noen konkrete eksempler er elektroniske helsejournalsystemer, genomikk og medisinske bilder. Slike pasientkohortdata er ofte ustrukturerte, høydimensjonale og heterogene og hvor klassiske statistiske metoder ikke er tilstrekkelige for optimal utnyttelse av dataene og god informasjonsbasert beslutningstaking. Derfor kan det være lovende å analysere slike datastrukturer ved bruk av moderne maskinlæringsteknikker for å øke forståelsen av pasientenes helseproblemer og for å gi klinikerne en bedre plattform for informasjonsbasert beslutningstaking. Sentrale krav til dette formålet inkluderer (a) tilstrekkelig nøyaktige prediksjoner og (b) modelltolkbarhet. Å oppnå begge aspektene samtidig er vanskelig, spesielt for datasett med få pasienter, noe som er vanlig for data i helsevesenet. I slike tilfeller må maskinlæringsmodeller håndtere matematisk underbestemte systemer og dette kan lett føre til at modellene overtilpasses treningsdataene. Variabelseleksjon er en viktig tilnærming for å håndtere dette ved å identifisere en undergruppe av informative variabler med hensyn til responsvariablen. Samtidig som variabelseleksjonsmetoder kan lede til økt prediktiv ytelse, fremmes modelltolkbarhet ved å identifisere et lavt antall relevante modellparametere. Dette kan gi bedre forståelse av de underliggende biologiske prosessene som fører til helseproblemer. Tolkbarhet krever at variabelseleksjonen er stabil, dvs. at små endringer i datasettet ikke fører til endringer i hvilke variabler som velges. Et konsept for å adressere ustabilitet er ensemblevariableseleksjon, dvs. prosessen med å gjenta variabelseleksjon flere ganger på en delmengde av prøvene i det originale datasett og aggregere resultater i en metamodell. Denne avhandlingen presenterer to tilnærminger for ensemblevariabelseleksjon, som er skreddersydd for høydimensjonale data i helsevesenet: "Repeated Elastic Net Technique for feature selection" (RENT) og "User-Guided Bayesian Framework for feature selection" (UBayFS). Mens RENT er datadrevet og bygger på elastic net-regulariserte modeller, er UBayFS et generelt rammeverk for ensembler som muliggjør inkludering av ekspertkunnskap i variabelseleksjonsprosessen gjennom forhåndsbestemte vekter og sidebegrensninger. En case-studie som modellerer overlevelsen av kreftpasienter sammenligner disse nye variabelseleksjonsmetodene og demonstrerer deres potensiale i klinisk praksis. Utover valg av enkelte variabler gjør UBayFS det også mulig å velge blokker eller grupper av variabler som representerer de ulike datakildene som ble nevnt over. Kvantifisering av viktigheten av variabelgrupper spiller en nøkkelrolle for forståelsen av hvorvidt datakildene er viktige for responsvariablen. Tilgang til slik informasjon kan føre til at bruken av menneskelige, tekniske og økonomiske ressurser kan forbedres dersom informasjonen integreres systematisk i planleggingen av pasientbehandlingen. Slik kan man redusere innsamling av ikke-informative variabler. Siden generaliseringen av viktighet av variabelgrupper ikke er triviell, undersøkes og sammenlignes også tilnærminger for rangering av viktigheten til disse variabelgruppene. Denne avhandlingen viser at høydimensjonale datasett fra flere datakilder fra det medisinske domenet effektivt kan håndteres ved bruk av variabelseleksjonmetodene som er presentert i avhandlingen. Eksperimentene viser at disse kan ha positiv en effekt på både prediktiv ytelse, stabilitet og tolkbarhet av resultatene. Bruken av disse variabelseleksjonsmetodene bærer et stort potensiale for bedre datadrevet beslutningsstøtte i klinisk praksis

    Global optimization: techniques and applications

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    Optimization problems arise in a wide variety of scientific disciplines. In many practical problems, a global optimum is desired, yet the objective function has multiple local optima. A number of techniques aimed at solving the global optimization problem have emerged in the last 30 years of research. This thesis first reviews techniques for local optimization and then discusses many of the stochastic and deterministic methods for global optimization that are in use today. Finally, this thesis shows how to apply global optimization techniques to two practical problems: the image segmentation problem (from imaging science) and the 3-D registration problem (from computer vision)

    Computational Video Enhancement

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    During a video, each scene element is often imaged many times by the sensor. I propose that by combining information from each captured frame throughout the video it is possible to enhance the entire video. This concept is the basis of computational video enhancement. In this dissertation, the viability of computational video processing is explored in addition to presenting applications where this processing method can be leveraged. Spatio-temporal volumes are employed as a framework for efficient computational video processing, and I extend them by introducing sheared volumes. Shearing provides spatial frame warping for alignment between frames, allowing temporally-adjacent samples to be processed using traditional editing and filtering approaches. An efficient filter-graph framework is presented to support this processing along with a prototype video editing and manipulation tool utilizing that framework. To demonstrate the integration of samples from multiple frames, I introduce methods for improving poorly exposed low-light videos to achieve improved results. This integration is guided by a tone-mapping process to determine spatially-varying optimal exposures and an adaptive spatio-temporal filter to integrate the samples. Low-light video enhancement is also addressed in the multispectral domain by combining visible and infrared samples. This is facilitated by the use of a novel multispectral edge-preserving filter to enhance only the visible spectrum video. Finally, the temporal characteristics of videos are altered by a computational video resampling process. By resampling the video-rate footage, novel time-lapse sequences are found that optimize for user-specified characteristics. Each resulting shorter video is a more faithful summary of the original source than a traditional time-lapse video. Simultaneously, new synthetic exposures are generated to alter the output video's aliasing characteristics