3 research outputs found

    Class-imbalanced Domain Adaptation: An Empirical Odyssey

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    Unsupervised domain adaptation is a promising way to generalize deep models to novel domains. However, the current literature assumes that the label distribution is domain-invariant and only aligns the feature distributions or vice versa. In this work, we explore the more realistic task of Class-imbalanced Domain Adaptation: How to align feature distributions across domains while the label distributions of the two domains are also different? Taking a practical step towards this problem, we constructed the first benchmark with 22 cross-domain tasks from 6real-image datasets. We conducted comprehensive experiments on 10 recent domain adaptation methods and find most of them are very fragile in the face of coexisting feature and label distribution shift. Towards a better solution, we further proposed a feature and label distribution CO-ALignment (COAL) model with a novel combination of existing ideas. COAL is empirically shown to outperform the most recent domain adaptation methods on our benchmarks. We believe the provided benchmarks, empirical analysis results, and the COAL baseline could stimulate and facilitate future research towards this important problem.Comment: ECCV 2020 Workshops - TASK-CV 202

    Implicit Class-Conditioned Domain Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

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    We present an approach for unsupervised domain adaptation---with a strong focus on practical considerations of within-domain class imbalance and between-domain class distribution shift---from a class-conditioned domain alignment perspective. Current methods for class-conditioned domain alignment aim to explicitly minimize a loss function based on pseudo-label estimations of the target domain. However, these methods suffer from pseudo-label bias in the form of error accumulation. We propose a method that removes the need for explicit optimization of model parameters from pseudo-labels directly. Instead, we present a sampling-based implicit alignment approach, where the sample selection procedure is implicitly guided by the pseudo-labels. Theoretical analysis reveals the existence of a domain-discriminator shortcut in misaligned classes, which is addressed by the proposed implicit alignment approach to facilitate domain-adversarial learning. Empirical results and ablation studies confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach, especially in the presence of within-domain class imbalance and between-domain class distribution shift.Comment: Accepted at ICML2020. For code, see https://github.com/xiangdal/implicit_alignmen

    Beyond H\mathcal{H}-Divergence: Domain Adaptation Theory With Jensen-Shannon Divergence

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    We reveal the incoherence between the widely-adopted empirical domain adversarial training and its generally-assumed theoretical counterpart based on H\mathcal{H}-divergence. Concretely, we find that H\mathcal{H}-divergence is not equivalent to Jensen-Shannon divergence, the optimization objective in domain adversarial training. To this end, we establish a new theoretical framework by directly proving the upper and lower target risk bounds based on joint distributional Jensen-Shannon divergence. We further derive bi-directional upper bounds for marginal and conditional shifts. Our framework exhibits inherent flexibilities for different transfer learning problems, which is usable for various scenarios where H\mathcal{H}-divergence-based theory fails to adapt. From an algorithmic perspective, our theory enables a generic guideline unifying principles of semantic conditional matching, feature marginal matching, and label marginal shift correction. We employ algorithms for each principle and empirically validate the benefits of our framework on real datasets