1 research outputs found

    Generalized coinvariant algebras for G(r,1,n)G(r,1,n) in the Stanley-Reisner setting

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    Let rr and nn be positive integers, let GnG_n be the complex reflection group of n×nn \times n monomial matrices whose entries are rthr^{\textrm{th}} roots of unity and let 0≤k≤n0 \leq k \leq n be an integer. Recently, Haglund, Rhoades and Shimozono (r=1r=1) and Chan and Rhoades (r>1r>1) introduced quotients Rn,kR_{n,k} (for r>1r>1) and Sn,kS_{n,k} (for r≥1r \geq 1) of the polynomial ring C[x1,…,xn]\mathbb{C}[x_1,\ldots,x_n] in nn variables, which for k=nk=n reduce to the classical coinvariant algebra attached to GnG_n. When n=kn=k and r=1r=1, Garsia and Stanton exhibited a quotient of C[yS]\mathbb{C}[\mathbf{y}_S] isomorphic to the coinvariant algebra, where C[yS]\mathbb{C}[\mathbf{y}_S] is the polynomial ring in 2n−12^n-1 variables whose variables are indexed by nonempty subsets S⊆[n]S \subseteq [n]. In this paper, we will define analogous quotients that are isomorphic to Rn,kR_{n,k} and Sn,kS_{n,k}