2 research outputs found

    Approximating fractional derivative of the Gaussian function and Dawson's integral

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    A new method for approximating fractional derivatives of the Gaussian function and Dawson's integral are presented. Unlike previous approaches, which are dominantly based on some discretization of Riemann-Liouville integral using polynomial or discrete Fourier basis, we take an alternative approach which is based on expressing the Riemann-Liouville definition of the fractional integral for the semi-infinite axis in terms of a moment problem. As a result, fractional derivatives of the Gaussian function and Dawson's integral are expressed as a weighted sum of complex scaled Gaussian and Dawson's integral. Error bounds for the approximation are provided. Another distinct feature of the proposed method compared to the previous approaches, it can be extended to approximate partial derivative with respect to the order of the fractional derivative which may be used in PDE constraint optimization problems

    Sampling for approximating RR-limited functions

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    RR-limited functions are multivariate generalization of band-limited functions whose Fourier transforms are supported within a compact region R⊂RnR\subset\mathbb{R}^{n}. In this work, we generalize sampling and interpolation theorems for band-limited functions to RR-limited functions. More precisely, we investigated the following question: "For a function compactly supported within a region similar to RR, does there exist an RR-limited function that agrees with the function over its support for a desired accuracy?". Starting with the Fourier domain definition of an RR-limited function, we write the equivalent convolution and a discrete Fourier transform representations for RR-limited functions through approximation of the convolution kernel using a discrete subset of Fourier basis. The accuracy of the approximation of the convolution kernel determines the accuracy of the discrete Fourier representation. Construction of the discretization can be achieved using the tools from approximation theory as demonstrated in the appendices. The main contribution of this work is proving the equivalence between the discretization of the Fourier and convolution representations of RR-limited functions. Here discrete convolution representation is restricted to shifts over a compactly supported region similar to RR. We show that discrete shifts for the convolution representation are equivalent to the spectral parameters used in discretization of the Fourier representation of the convolution kernel. This result is a generalization of the cardinal theorem of interpolation of band-limited functions. The error corresponding to discrete convolution representation is also bounded by the approximation of the convolution kernel using discretized Fourier basis