21 research outputs found

    Rademacher complexity of stationary sequences

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    We show how to control the generalization error of time series models wherein past values of the outcome are used to predict future values. The results are based on a generalization of standard i.i.d. concentration inequalities to dependent data without the mixing assumptions common in the time series setting. Our proof and the result are simpler than previous analyses with dependent data or stochastic adversaries which use sequential Rademacher complexities rather than the expected Rademacher complexity for i.i.d. processes. We also derive empirical Rademacher results without mixing assumptions resulting in fully calculable upper bounds.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur

    Bootstrapping Generalization Error Bounds for Time Series

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    We consider the problem of finding confidence intervals for the risk of forecasting the future of a stationary, ergodic stochastic process, using a model estimated from the past of the process. We show that a bootstrap procedure provides valid confidence intervals for the risk, when the data source is sufficiently mixing, and the loss function and the estimator are suitably smooth. Autoregressive (AR(d)) models estimated by least squares obey the necessary regularity conditions, even when mis-specified, and simulations show that the finite- sample coverage of our bounds quickly converges to the theoretical, asymptotic level. As an intermediate step, we derive sufficient conditions for asymptotic independence between empirical distribution functions formed by splitting a realization of a stochastic process, of independent interest

    Least-Squares Temporal Difference Learning for the Linear Quadratic Regulator

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    Reinforcement learning (RL) has been successfully used to solve many continuous control tasks. Despite its impressive results however, fundamental questions regarding the sample complexity of RL on continuous problems remain open. We study the performance of RL in this setting by considering the behavior of the Least-Squares Temporal Difference (LSTD) estimator on the classic Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) problem from optimal control. We give the first finite-time analysis of the number of samples needed to estimate the value function for a fixed static state-feedback policy to within ε\varepsilon-relative error. In the process of deriving our result, we give a general characterization for when the minimum eigenvalue of the empirical covariance matrix formed along the sample path of a fast-mixing stochastic process concentrates above zero, extending a result by Koltchinskii and Mendelson in the independent covariates setting. Finally, we provide experimental evidence indicating that our analysis correctly captures the qualitative behavior of LSTD on several LQR instances

    Generalisation in fully-connected neural networks for time series forecasting

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    In this paper we study the generalization capabilities of fully-connected neural networks trained in the context of time series forecasting. Time series do not satisfy the typical assumption in statistical learning theory of the data being i.i.d. samples from some data-generating distribution. We use the input and weight Hessians, that is the smoothness of the learned function with respect to the input and the width of the minimum in weight space, to quantify a network's ability to generalize to unseen data. While such generalization metrics have been studied extensively in the i.i.d. setting of for example image recognition, here we empirically validate their use in the task of time series forecasting. Furthermore we discuss how one can control the generalization capability of the network by means of the training process using the learning rate, batch size and the number of training iterations as controls. Using these hyperparameters one can efficiently control the complexity of the output function without imposing explicit constraints

    Learning Without Mixing: Towards A Sharp Analysis of Linear System Identification

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    We prove that the ordinary least-squares (OLS) estimator attains nearly minimax optimal performance for the identification of linear dynamical systems from a single observed trajectory. Our upper bound relies on a generalization of Mendelson's small-ball method to dependent data, eschewing the use of standard mixing-time arguments. Our lower bounds reveal that these upper bounds match up to logarithmic factors. In particular, we capture the correct signal-to-noise behavior of the problem, showing that more unstable linear systems are easier to estimate. This behavior is qualitatively different from arguments which rely on mixing-time calculations that suggest that unstable systems are more difficult to estimate. We generalize our technique to provide bounds for a more general class of linear response time-series

    Finite Time Identification in Unstable Linear Systems

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    Identification of the parameters of stable linear dynamical systems is a well-studied problem in the literature, both in the low and high-dimensional settings. However, there are hardly any results for the unstable case, especially regarding finite time bounds. For this setting, classical results on least-squares estimation of the dynamics parameters are not applicable and therefore new concepts and technical approaches need to be developed to address the issue. Unstable linear systems arise in key real applications in control theory, econometrics, and finance. This study establishes finite time bounds for the identification error of the least-squares estimates for a fairly large class of heavy-tailed noise distributions, and transition matrices of such systems. The results relate the time length (samples) required for estimation to a function of the problem dimension and key characteristics of the true underlying transition matrix and the noise distribution. To establish them, appropriate concentration inequalities for random matrices and for sequences of martingale differences are leveraged

    Hypothesis Set Stability and Generalization

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    We present a study of generalization for data-dependent hypothesis sets. We give a general learning guarantee for data-dependent hypothesis sets based on a notion of transductive Rademacher complexity. Our main result is a generalization bound for data-dependent hypothesis sets expressed in terms of a notion of hypothesis set stability and a notion of Rademacher complexity for data-dependent hypothesis sets that we introduce. This bound admits as special cases both standard Rademacher complexity bounds and algorithm-dependent uniform stability bounds. We also illustrate the use of these learning bounds in the analysis of several scenarios.Comment: Published in NeurIPS 2019. This version is equivalent to the camera-ready version but also includes the supplementary materia

    Theory and Algorithms for Forecasting Time Series

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    We present data-dependent learning bounds for the general scenario of non-stationary non-mixing stochastic processes. Our learning guarantees are expressed in terms of a data-dependent measure of sequential complexity and a discrepancy measure that can be estimated from data under some mild assumptions. We also also provide novel analysis of stable time series forecasting algorithm using this new notion of discrepancy that we introduce. We use our learning bounds to devise new algorithms for non-stationary time series forecasting for which we report some preliminary experimental results.Comment: An extended abstract has appeared in (Kuznetsov and Mohri, 2015

    On Learnability under General Stochastic Processes

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    Statistical learning theory under independent and identically distributed (iid) sampling and online learning theory for worst case individual sequences are two of the best developed branches of learning theory. Statistical learning under general non-iid stochastic processes is less mature. We provide two natural notions of learnability of a function class under a general stochastic process. We are able to sandwich the first one between iid and online learnability. We show that the second one is in fact equivalent to online learnability. Our results are sharpest in the binary classification setting but we also show that similar results continue to hold in the regression setting

    On the Sample Complexity of the Linear Quadratic Regulator

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    This paper addresses the optimal control problem known as the Linear Quadratic Regulator in the case when the dynamics are unknown. We propose a multi-stage procedure, called Coarse-ID control, that estimates a model from a few experimental trials, estimates the error in that model with respect to the truth, and then designs a controller using both the model and uncertainty estimate. Our technique uses contemporary tools from random matrix theory to bound the error in the estimation procedure. We also employ a recently developed approach to control synthesis called System Level Synthesis that enables robust control design by solving a convex optimization problem. We provide end-to-end bounds on the relative error in control cost that are nearly optimal in the number of parameters and that highlight salient properties of the system to be controlled such as closed-loop sensitivity and optimal control magnitude. We show experimentally that the Coarse-ID approach enables efficient computation of a stabilizing controller in regimes where simple control schemes that do not take the model uncertainty into account fail to stabilize the true system.Comment: Contains a new analysis of finite-dimensional truncation, a new data-dependent estimation bound, and an expanded exposition on necessary background in control theory and System Level Synthesi